~Chapter 3~

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In the days that followed, I took it upon myself to tutor Taylor, helping her with all the basics. It was clear that she was eager to learn, and I was more than willing to help her adapt to her new life. My mom and Paul were supportive, providing Taylor with the resources she needed to catch up on her education.

One particular afternoon, I was relaxing on the couch with Taylor, when I had an idea. "Hey, Taylor, would you like to join me at the gym? It'll a great place to build your strength and get some exercise."

Taylor hesitated for a moment, her sharp-toothed grin showing a hint of uncertainty. "I've never been to a gym before, Percy. Are you sure they'll be okay with someone like me?"

"Trust me, Taylor. The people at the gym are really friendly, and they'll be thrilled to have you. Plus, it's a chance for you to showcase your incredible strength!"

After some convincing, Taylor agreed, and we decided to head to the gym together. I knew she would make a fantastic impression with her unique abilities, and I couldn't wait to see how everyone would react.

As we walked into the gym, Taylor's towering figure and her powerful build drew immediate attention. She might have been an Ogre, but her presence was far from intimidating. The trainers and workers greeted us with smiles and enthusiasm, instantly making her feel welcomed.

"Hey there, Percy! Who's your friend?" asked Mark, one of the trainers, as he approached us.

"This is Taylor," I replied, gesturing to my new friend. "She's here to work on her strength and get in shape."

Mark's eyes widened in amazement as he looked at Taylor. "Wow, she'll become a powerhouse! We're glad to have you, Taylor. My name's Mark, and I'll be helping you out today. Let's get started!"

The gym was equipped with various exercise machines, free weights, and even a spacious area for aerobic workouts. Taylor's introduction to the gym was met with awe and admiration from everyone around.

Turned out the gym had some really nice training rooms for those with insane strength's that wanted to go all out. After a few hours, Taylor was moved there and she was allowed to use all her strength in her training.

As Taylor effortlessly hoisted 800 lb dumbbells. As Mark got her into deadlifting and powercleaning. As an ogre she had more strength than a human, and from what I learned their species put on muscle alot faster as she went from malnerished and weak to healthy and strong in a week. People couldn't help but gather around, applauding her impressive feats of strength. Even those who had been skeptical at first were now in awe of Taylor's abilities.

Over time, Taylor's gym visits became a regular occurrence. She had quickly become a beloved figure at the gym, inspiring others with her dedication and strength. Mark and the other trainers were more than happy to help her develop a workout routine tailored to her unique capabilities.

In between sets, Taylor and I struck up conversations with our fellow gym-goers. We exchanged fitness tips, laughed at workout mishaps, and shared stories of our journey to better health. The gym had become a place not only for physical growth but also for building friendships and camaraderie.

One evening, as we finished our workout, Mark approached us with a smile. "You two are quite the dynamic duo," he said. "Taylor, you've made amazing progress, deadlifting over 2,000 lbs, and Percy, my god! You're like a literal demigod from the myths, not to mention always motivating everyone around you. So we decided to cancel your membership-."

"What do you mean your canceling our membership?" I asked confused. Mark simply smiled and handed each of us a silver card with the Olympus Athletic Club logo on it with Premium writtien boldly on it.

"We are canceling your membership and giving you free premium memberships." He responded. "It was the Managers idea. Thanks to you guys we have gotten alot more customers then we usually did."

"Wow that is really nice of the manager." I responded. Taking the cards.

"It is the least we can do as thanks." Alex responded as he passed us. "You are welcome to train here anyday for however long you want." We both thanked the trainer and left the gym to go home to get ready for school.


The morning sun cast a warm glow through the windows as Taylor and I returned home from our invigorating workout. Our gym bags slung over our shoulders, we entered the cozy and inviting Jackson household.

Sally and Paul, both dressed for their respective jobs at Goode High School, were in the kitchen sipping on coffee and preparing for their day. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, a comforting scent that always made mornings feel just a bit better.

Sally looked up from her cup with a welcoming smile. "Hey, you two! How was the gym today?"

I grinned and replied, "It was great, Mom. Taylor and I had an awesome workout."

Taylor chimed in, her enthusiasm evident as she held up her premium membership card. "And they gave us free memberships! The people there are so nice."

Sally's eyes sparkled with pride. "That's wonderful, Taylor! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Now, why don't you go shower and get ready for school? We don't want to be late."

Taylor nodded and headed upstairs to get cleaned up, her excitement still bubbling. She had embraced this newfound chapter in her life with open arms, and it was heartwarming to see her so happy.

I gave Paul a friendly fist bump as he passed by, clutching his coffee mug, still half-asleep. "Morning, Paul."

Paul grunted in response, his morning ritual consisting of caffeine and silence. He had always been the quiet, supportive type, and we had developed our own nonverbal morning greetings over the years.

With the family dynamics established, I made my way to the front room, where I found Jackie playing with my baby sister, Estelle. Jackie was a remarkable girl, a half-hellhound with a heart of gold. She had become a beloved member of our family, and her bond with Estelle was heartwarming.

I ruffled Jackie's hair and planted a quick kiss on Estelle's forehead. "Morning, you two."

Jackie flashed me a grin, her black hair contrasting with her playful red eyes. "Morning, Percie. Ready for another day at the new school?"

I chuckled and mussed her hair even more. "As ready as I'll ever be."

With a final goodbye to Jackie and Estelle, I made my way upstairs to the bathroom, ready to start my morning routine. The warm water of the shower cascaded over me, washing away the sweat and fatigue from our workout. It was a brief moment of solitude, a chance to collect my thoughts and prepare for the day ahead.

"Any day now, Just have to await for the sign. the plot started and now I just have to wait for everything to unfold." I sigh and put on my clothes and head downstairs. where the aroma of breakfast filled the kitchen as Sally prepared a hearty meal to start our day. The sound of sizzling bacon and eggs greeted me as I descended the stairs.

Sally turned to me with a warm smile. "You're just in time, Percy. Breakfast is ready."

I took my seat at the kitchen table, the scent of the meal making my stomach growl in anticipation. Soon we were ready to leave. Mom and Paul drove to Goode and Taytlor and I ran to catch the bus to go to school. Jackie stayed home taking care of Estelle and the house with Corvus and Lucifer.

Now that I think about it my life has become so much more different than I could have ever expected.

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