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Huzaifa's eyes scanned her precisely from bottom to top before they settled on her face. Unaiza's jaw dropped when he shut the door behind it.

Why did he come to her room in the night when everyone else was sleeping?

"What are you doing here, Huzaifa?" She asked him.

He smirked. "I came to check whether this room will be romantic to live as a married couple or mine will do."

Her cheeks reddened at his remarks and she squeezed her fingers hard to not make it obvious to him that she was moved by what he meant sarcastically.

"Where is your phone?" He inquired, looking around.

Unaiza stared at him in disbelief before turning around. She found her phone on her study table. She quickly grabbed it and bit her lower lip in embarrassment finding many missed calls and messages from him.

"Sorry, I put on phone on silent mode before going to bed. I didn't know you were calling me. Is everything alright?" She mumbled, already feeling so overwhelmed by his intimidating presence in her room.

Huzaifa rolled his eyes. "I knew it. Your sleep issues."

Unaiza had a very raw sleep. She got awakened by a little noise too hence she always put her phone on silent mode before sleeping for her own mental peace.

She flushed again. "Sorry again. What do you want to talk to me?"

His expressions became serious and he moved in her direction. Unaiza unknowingly took a step back. Her back hit her study table and there his tall frame trapped her small body between his bigger one and the wooden table. Her heart started beating in her ear.

"Be honest, Glasses. Why did you agree to marry me?" He implored, the browns in his eyes became black.

She swallowed hard. His presence was distracting her, this obvious question, and then there was another fear lurking too. It wasn't good that he was in her room in the night.

"For...for the sake of our family. I knew it was necessary so that everything could fall back into its place," she replied, her throat getting dry from his constant scrutiny.

Huzaifa chuckled. "Just this?"

"For you as well. You missed your family even if you don't tell it to anyone and mask it but you still love everyone including Tashfeen Papa," she explained, truthfully.

A shadow lurked on Huzaifa's face as he was rendered silent by her words. Soon, he regained that amusing glint in his eyes again.

"And what about you?" He challenged her.

My happiness is in your happiness.

"I find comfort when you all are happy and contended. So I did what was expected of me," she told him.

Her Step Husband ✓Where stories live. Discover now