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He always got what he wished for, his whole life. And once he couldn't have his desired thing, he used the situation to favor in his way. He ruins the twisted things to mold them according to his preference. He didn't leave it. He didn't ignore it. He simply destroyed it and caused it to work as he liked. These mind games had been his specialty and he could gain anything by using them.

He was born to conquer and live a life according to his own taste. That had been the case till now. He never bent in front of anyone's order. Twists and tangles enthralled him instead of annoying him. And they gave him a room to explore his internal potential to fight and win. And of course, to have fun.

However, one thing was clear; Huzaifa Tashfeen Malik didn't listen to anyone else. He only heeded to what his heart wanted. That was the same reason he broke up with Inaya. She wanted to change him for herself and that was the thing he could not afford to do. Despite being attracted to her, he removed her engagement ring from her finger.

He didn't know whether he loved Inaya or not but he was definitely fascinated by her. For Huzaifa, love was secondary. That spark should be present which makes you compatible with your life partner and that existed in his and Inaya's relationship. However, he loved dominance so Inaya's useless intrusion annoyed him.

However, right now the situation is different. He was stuck in a weird problem where he had to abide because of his love for his mother. There was no way out of it. And he was bound to that Glasses.

That timid, shy, simple introvert girl he never spared a glance more than necessary.

Huzaifa didn't know what to do now. He could think of Unaiza as anyone but not as a wife. And right now, he was furious over none other than his father who was the reason why all this mess was arising.

His words from earlier were ringing in his ear ever since he came back to his house. The way Tashfeen had been calling him useless, ungrateful, someone with a gold spoon in his mouth, reckless, and many more titles which he now lost the count of. How his father was saying that he shouldn't come back home even after he would be ruined and the fact that he disowned him. Now Huzaifa was forced to return home. He was compelled to lean down which he always hated.

The fury was simmering in his whole body. The guy who always remained dominant in every aspect and relationship of life was suddenly made to give up his innate quality. His father had defeated him as he was claiming earlier and that was in his own way. Huzaifa wasn't ruined. He became a promising person in his profession but still, he was outdone by Tashfeen.

How could he let it happen? After hearing all those taunts, how was he willing to take a breath in Tashfeen's house? He would have shown his father who he was by disturbing him differently if it wasn't for Unaiza.

That Glasses.

She had put ropes in his feet so that he wouldn't do anything bad to piss his father off as he wanted. If there was any other girl he was forced to marry, he would have played his game openly and smartly. But she was Unaiza. The girl he had known since childhood. The girl he grew up together with. The girl who was innocent, naive, and didn't deserve the darkness of that Huzaifa who was forced to accept a downfall. He remembered her each and every suffering since she was living with him and the only thing he thought of was the fact that Unaiza shouldn't be hurt. He had vowed to himself and his mother when they were children that he would protect her. How could he contradict his own pledge?

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