~Chapter 13~

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When I woke up the next morning, and headed out to breakfast, I saw three men standing talking to Dionysus who looked bored out of his mind, Dionysus said something before leaving and the three men looked at each other before shrugging.

I sat down on the Poseidons table with Taylor. Everyone else soon started filling in, and when everyone had sat down, the three men spoke.

"Greeting everyone." The first spoke. "My name is Odyssius, to my right is Perseus and Theseus. By orders of Lord Hades, we are tasked to take over Camp Half-Blood and train the next generation of Heros."

"We heard about your previous Director," Perseus spoke up. "Let us just say, we arn't going to be like him, we will try and help everyone. And will... improve the camp and make men... and women of you yet!"

"Lets be honest." Theseus spoke. "Chiron was kinda slacking and Dionysus really failed in his job. So from this day on. Lets create a Camp where all heroes are welcome no matter your divine parent!"

Everyone burst into cheer, and I couldn't help but grin. Father really pulled through. Lets see how different things will be.

As the day progressed, I observed the three legendary heroes - Perseus, Theseus, and Odysseus - as they took on their roles in training and improving Camp Half-Blood. Each of them brought their unique skills and qualities to the camp, and I couldn't help but feel inspired by their presence.

Perseus, with his chiseled features and a mane of dark, curly hair, looked every bit the part of a hero. He wore a simple, well-worn set of armor, and his sword, a gleaming celestial bronze blade, was slung at his side. His eyes held a spark of determination as he led campers through sword-fighting drills. He demonstrated precise footwork and showed them how to make every strike count.

I watched from a distance, taking mental notes as Perseus instructed the campers. His words were laced with wisdom and experience. His approach to combat was not only about strength but also about strategy and finesse. As he sparred with campers one by one, I could see their skills improving under his tutelage.

Meanwhile, Theseus, a towering figure with broad shoulders and an air of authority, led the campers in grueling physical exercises. He wore a simple, sweat-soaked training tunic, and his bare feet pounded the ground as he demonstrated exercises. His voice was like thunder as he encouraged the campers to push their limits.

I decided to join in on Theseus's training session, eager to challenge myself and gain some valuable experience. The exercises were intense, and the campers around me panted and strained, but Theseus's presence was inspiring. He pushed us to discover our inner strength and reach new heights of physical prowess.

Finally, Odysseus, the most cunning and strategic of the heroes, walked through the camp, taking in its layout and structure. He was dressed in a simple yet elegant tunic and carried a notebook where he jotted down his observations. His wily, intelligent eyes studied the camp's defenses and facilities.

As I approached him, Odysseus acknowledged my presence with a nod. "Young Percy, what do you think of Camp Half-Blood?"

I gazed at the camp, looking around before responding. "The camp needs improvment. More fortification. It needs cabins for other gods and goddess, not just the Olympians. We could do with a better barrier and if I had to say, we need to expand in better training, get all demigods involved and make sure that nobody is left out."

Odysseus nodded and wrote some notes down. "You are a smart boy. I am surprised you are not the son of Athena."

"Just because Athena is the goddess of wisdom does not mean others can't be just as wise." I responded.

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