The Path of a Child

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A child has been walking the path of life for 18 years. Lately, this child is laughing and having fun with others.

In the child's eyes, it can see the goodness in life. But the child is ignorant... Ignorant about the bad things about the land the child walks on.

Many may say the child is a fool. Too foolish to see the negativity around.

But in truth, this child chose to be ignorant.

"Why?" You ask.

For the 18 years of this child's life, one can assume that anyone of that age had experienced the heavy rains.

This child has been there too.

In truth, this child had as much as others do. Maybe a little few more or a little few less.

All in all, this child is the same as others. Nothing special... No one special.

"Then how can the child be so ignorant?"

Surely, there came changes. Just like others, this child have been soaked by the heavy rains. The heavy weight of the rain drops lasted. Some rains were like storms that could blow the child away or strike the child with immense pain.

But the child remained on the path.

This child could have walked out of the path and end its suffering.

Instead, the child remained.

This child had seen the light. The light through the darkest clouds. The light reflected from the heavy rain drops. This light of hope that the heavy storms won't last forever.

This hope became the child's umbrella.

For this child had been in the storms, this child knew how others are suffering. The child wanted to let them see what he saw.

The child didn't ignore those who got drenched. The child ignored those who told him to stop since the storm will never end.

But the child knew better now.


"What happened to the child?"

The child continued what he does.

There came challenges but the child now knew how to face them. No matter how hard it is, he kept looking for the light.

After a while, the child's path grew a little brighter and some people joined his march.

Maybe one can say that there is something higher and grand at play here.

But in reality, it's just the path of life.

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