|thirty two|

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"Why did you come again, Huzaifa?" She questioned in panic before rushing over to him.

Unaiza feared that he wouldn't read the diary as she had only written about him in the new pages which were acting as an invitation for him to lay a second glance at it for him right now.

He lifted his lips up in amusement before grabbing the diary in his hand. He closed it as he stared at its pink cover. Unaiza took a deep breath of relief realizing that she got saved by inches. Huzaifa had respected her privacy and didn't try to read it.

"You still write this?" He asked her, raising a brow.

She swallowed back the panic before giving him a small smile. "I do."

"Great," he murmured before putting the diary back on the desk. "I didn't know that."

"Why...why did you come to my room?" She repeated her question from last night.

Huzaifa glanced over at her from head to toe before walking in her direction. She gasped as she began stepping backward, noticing his daring steps.

"How much do you want to go away? I won't eat you, Iza," he commented with irony.

Unaiza put a halt to her steps and her cheeks flushed over his remark. She stared into his brown eyes before bringing a smile over her lips.

"Actually... it's... it is not good. Anyone can enter in my room at any time. They will see you here and can misunderstand," she reasoned with logic.

Huzaifa blinked. "I am your to-be husband, Unaiza. I will take care of every whining mouth for you."

She couldn't understand what to feel by this statement. Though her face started heating once again. Luck was definitely on her side these days.

"Are...are you really okay with the idea of this marriage?" She didn't know why she asked him this.

But his sudden acceptance of this wedding didn't make sense to her. She was expecting him to react and here, he was making her heart do a happy dance by mesmerizing by his actions and smiles like this. The second marriage thing he talked about last night did bother her, but soon she realized her worth. She became selfish and stopped thinking about everything else. Not everyone got the chance to get with the love of their life. She, despite such luck and any especially, attained this without any effort. She would deal with everything later. First, she wanted to rejoice in the idea of having Huzaifa Tashfeen Malik. His companionship in any way was a blessing and she would be ungrateful not to value it.

For the first time in her life, she was getting something that she wished for without it fading into a thin air. In childhood, she craved for a happy family. But she then lost her parents in a car accident. She wished to get company of her siblings but they were step-relations and hated her. When she grew older, she wanted to follow in Nisha's footsteps and join medicine but she was dull in her studies and hence couldn't get admission. That was the first time, she was getting a fair chance and what followed it now didn't matter to her. All she cared about was the presence of Huzaifa, claiming himself as her soon-to-husband.

Her Step Husband ✓Where stories live. Discover now