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Ed and I were having breakfast while he switched on the news. It was about arresting of a businessman Clark. When they showed the picture, I realised that he was the same guy who Ed had beaten yesterday.

"Ed, is it your doing?" I asked.

He didn't answer, just smirked. This man I tell you. Anyway, I believe if Ed had to take this step then it might be something serious.

Then the news changed to when that Clark person was addressing the media. I was shocked. This doofus was spitting bullshit about Ed and me. How dare he.

I looked at Ed he shook his head, then looked at me.
"Ava, I know this is uncomfortable for you, dealing with these rumours and defamation has been a part of my daily life. I understand this is new and maybe unbearable for you. I can hold a press conference and clear your name to the media and paps."

"Ed, I don't want that. Yes, it's weird to be talked about, but if my identity gets revealed then all this will increase manifold, and there will be no going back. And about clearing the name, they don't deserve a clarification, if you ask me. Dog barks, we can't stop and throw stones at each of them. Anyway, I am looking for a job elsewhere. In two weeks, the world won't even remember me. If you reveal my identity, I won't get the job I want."

" Everything else, I understood, but why did you say that if we reveal your identity, you won't get the job you want?" He asked.

Oops, shouldn't have said that.

" I meant, I won't get the job independently. I will get it because I am related to you." I covered up making a believable excuse.

Actually, the thing is, I didn't tell Ed about the companies I am giving interviews in. I one I am super excited about is Atkins Empire. The first round of the interview went well, let's see what happens next. Atkins are competitors and rivals of King. So if they got to know that I am King's sister, they would even reject me if I cleared the interview.

(Innocent Ava)

"Okay my angel, we will do what you said and let the dogs bark. But still, I would suggest you work from home for a few days."


"I know you are my strong princess, but I also know that you are not ready to face the paps yet. Guards told me that Paps had surrounded the entire office premises. So my wonder woman, lay it off, just for some days."

" Fine. Anyways, I have interviews to attend."

"So you won't tell me what company are you trying for."

"Nope, nada, never."

"Fine, then I am leaving for the office."

"Ed take care and since I am not there, try not to lose patience every moment. Stay calm and deal with the Paps with a cool head." I advised him like a 5-year-old.

" Why would I lose my head on paps, they are giving our company free publicity, not that we need it or anything." He said arrogantly.

Then he kissed my forehead and left for work.


Ava is a strong girl. I am happy with the decision she took of ignoring the barking dogs. Even I didn't want to reveal about her to the world yet. Paps can be wild. It would ruin her private life.

I went to the office it was hard to enter because the reporters weren't letting the car move. My guards had to force them aside. I got out of the car and they rained their stupid questions on me.

"I am not answerable to any of your stupid allegations but, George gets their names, you all will be answerable to the court on the charges of defamation. Be prepared you'll receive the notice soon." I said in a no-nonsense voice and went inside.

I wanted to talk to my employees as well but I can't go to every floor and speak to them, I mean there are 20 floors. But we do have an auditorium and I asked everyone to assemble there.

"I think we are not utilising the best of your potential here at Kings, that's why my employees get plenty of time to gossip around. No worries, I don't repeat a mistake. From today everyone will be working for an extra two hours. Moreover, whom I am related with, what's going on in my private life is my personal matter. I don't interfere in yours and expect the same from you all. I drew a line which my employees crossed this time. I must say, I am disappointed. I have been keeping my anger in check for the past month but I heard that's what fired rumours, so I'll be back to being the ruthless, unforgiving, cold CEO that I was before. Stay beware because you all forced me to bring out the worst in me that expects better than the best in you all. Lastly, Miss Sarah Gill and Mr Orry Jones meet the HR. You all are dismissed."

After giving the long speech, I left the auditorium. I have my loyal people in each department. I know Sarah and Orry shared the humour about Ava. It's sick that they were someone she thought of as her friends. Best of luck to Sarah and Orry for finding a job in this state.

Ava was my peace, working here don't feel the same without her. I fired 7 employees before lunch. With Ava around, it was different. She kept me grounded. She knew when I was angry and how to deal with it. She took care of me while I took care of her. I miss her. She added colours to my boring life.

There was a knock on my door, my receptionist entered and handed me a carry bag, but before I could question her, my phone rang.

It was Ava, I signalled the receptionist to leave while I answered the call.

"Hello princess, how have you been."

"Bored out of my mind. Anyways, I ordered lunch for you, eat it before you dive into your never-ending files."

"As you say, your Highness."

"Ed how many?"


"How many employees got their termination letter till now?"

"That's mean Ava."

"Ed I know you better than you know yourself. If I wasn't your sister, you would have fired me at least twenty times in a day."

"Fine, I get it. And seven. But in my defence, they were too stupid, one did the basic math wrong, other didn't know the spelling of 'collaboration' can you imagine? 3 of them couldn't speak a proper sentence without fumbling. Such dumdums I am surrounded with." I was interrupted by a loud laughing sound from the other side of the phone.

" Oh my god, Ed, you sound too cute rambling about your employees. By the way, dumdum sounds funny coming from you my dumdum brother. Okay, I have an interview in an hour, so I'll leave. You have your lunch and wish me luck."

"Best of luck my dumdum Ava. May you get everything you wish for in life."

After we both hung up, I had my lunch, it was all my favourite food. The story behind dumdum is that when we were little, Ava learned this word and she liked it so much that whoever she met, she would call them dumdum. When I tried to make her understand that the other person might get offended, she used to say, 'Why would anyone get hurt when I am calling them my favourite word? They should be happy.'

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

Guys it's the 20th chapter. We have come a long way and have a longer way to go.

Take a minute and drop in what you think, how's the book coming out?

(Always excited to read your comments)

QOTD: What's your favourite creamream flavour?

Mine is chocolate.

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