|thirty four|

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We got 50 comments on the last chapter. Ty so much for that. Can we get 50 comments again today? If this challenge is achieved, I will make a double update tomorrow ❤

The next morning, Huzaifa woke up feeling all refreshed and happy. Even though there was a long list of comments and messages of disappointment flooding on his notifications because he announced that he wasn't single anymore, still there was a peculiar gratification he was feeling right now.

And that was all to see the havoc his action would bring to his house. His goal would have been achieved much more easily and quickly if he had disclosed the identity of his fiance by tagging Unaiza. But he withheld as it would bring her more hate and his family would have thought that she was involved in this engagement with him equally. He wasn't following her hence she could be saved by everyone's wrath by this.

After getting freshened up, he came downstairs. It was the early morning and guests were sleeping. But as he expected, his new engagement was spotted by everyone in his house. Maybe Hiba had seen his post or some other way which he didn't care. All he minded was the fact that he was able to achieve what he wanted.

Those words stated by his father against him never left his mind ever. The way he said that he would be ruined and come back to his house, pleading for his forgiveness. When he said that he was shameless and Tashfeen regretted to father a son like him who brought humiliation upon him. That wasn't something he would forget in any way.

Grabbing an apple from the fruit basket in the kitchen, Huzaifa walked out towards the lounge where Aqia, Tashfeen, Haider, and Ishmal were standing.

The lion's den. He laughed at his thought inwardly.

Diligently chewing on it, the meticulous sound of his footwear caused everyone to look at him. Tashfeen glared at him while Aqia rushed in his way, shoving the screen of the mobile in front of him where he could see his own uploaded picture of their engagement.

"What's that?" She asked.

"I held an engagement with Unaiza," he proudly replied, taking a big chunk of the delicious and sweet fruit.

Tashfeen curled his fingers in a fist at his answer, probably to stop himself from lashing out at him. While all Aqia did was to stare at him with widened eyes.

"What kind of an engagement is that, Huzaifa? What nonsense do you both do alone and without anyone around you? Are you out of your mind?" Haider snapped at him. 

"I am responsible for it. Unaiza was begging me not to do that without anyone's presence but I threatened her that if she wouldn't oblige, I would leave her as a bride on the wedding day. So don't bring Unaiza into this when she didn't do anything," he explained without any hesitation.

Ishmal and Haider exchanged a confused look while Aqia held his hand and turned him towards her.

"What did you say?" She whispered in disbelief.

Huzaifa shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted to announce my marriage to my fans and that seemed the best option. I wanted to take a picture of us together but Unaiza pleaded that she didn't want to come on camera so I heard her. Hence what I did, I had a right to do that. You can't use this against me."

Tashfeen glared at him. "What is wrong with you? I can't believe you are my son. You have brought so much humiliation upon me that I wish you wouldn't have even been born."

Huzaifa took the taunt with a bone-chilling smile.

"Ishmal, go to Unaiza and ask her to come here," Aqia called her daughter-in-law who quickly nodded and left upstairs.

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