|thirty six|

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The smile on Huzaifa's lips deepened at the first contact of their hands together. He squeezed it, with enough pressure which made her giddy. His action gave an idea that he relished her touch in some other way than expected. It was more of a tag of being an owner of her heart, body, and life. She stared up and found that keen look in his eyes with which he was checking her out.

Ultimately she was made to sit beside him on the stage. Their arms were almost touching as it was the case with their legs as well. Huzaifa exhaled and pushed himself more near her so that the almost reference from her mind now ended as she felt a heat radiating through his body which was enough to make her crazy.

"Congratulations on becoming Mrs Huzaifa number one," he whispered with a straight face, as his eyes remained fixed on the front.

Unaiza gulped swiftly but didn't say anything. Huzaifa chanced a glance at her to again find any change in her expression or body language. But hats off to this girl for not at all reacting to her newly wedded husband saying she was his first wife. She seemed lovely to him but once again those lenses made him remember her crap of a first husband. She wasn't very beautiful. He had seen many girls who were way more gorgeous than her. But right now, in those cute curls of her hair which was falling over her shoulder, bright makeup, and plump red lips, she looked attractive and modest.

His wife. Mrs. Huzaifa Tashfeen Malik. He didn't know why this title suited on Unaiza this much. He smirked at this thought.

"You look beautiful, Unaiza," he praised her.

She licked her lips and they soon became an orbit of his attention. Those heart-shaped lips which were looking like a red candy right now. A sweet and delicious candy he wanted to devour right at this moment.

"You are maybe fishing for compliments for yourself that I should return it to you. You don't have to say it Huzaifa because you look way more handsome right now," she murmured, both still looking at the front.

Huzaifa gave a light-lipped amusing smile. "Well, I don't need to fish for compliments, Cherry Bean. My fans told me this fact enough that I am handsome."

Unaiza gritted her brows. Cherry Bean.

Did she get another nickname from him?

Huzaifa again regarded her confused face. Did she not at all get jealous a bit? He again delighted in the sight of her red lips. He never found them this mesmerizing before. The reason why he called her Cherry Bean. Because those lips matched the cherry jelly beans right now which he used to eat in childhood. But of course, Unaiza couldn't get it.

"You underestimate yourself a lot," he murmured, truthfully.

"I don't have anything worthy to over or underestimate myself," she replied back, with a glint of sadness.

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