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Team Huzaifa or Team Unaiza?

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Finally deciding that sharing a bed with him would not be a wise choice, Unaiza walked towards the couch. But she was stopped by his raspy voice in the middle of her track.

"Where are you going?"

She turned around and the dark look in his eyes made her shiver. "I...I am..."

"This isn't a movie or a novel that you girls fantasize about. It's the real life. I want you here."

She gulped but seeing the resolve in his eyes, she stepped towards the bed. Unaiza turned the lamp off and settled on the far corner of the bed.

"Come here," he murmured, opening his palm in front of her eyes. When she didn't oblige due to shock, surprise, and shyness, he snaked one arm around her waist and pulled her towards him.

"Let's become a wife and a man in the true sense," he whispered sensually, bringing his face near to her, inhaling in the scent of her fresh soap.

Unaiza shut her eyes tightly as she made a fist of her hand on his big bicep. The warmness and firmness of his skin made her every effort to become jelly because he started alluring her in a totally different way once again. His hot breath again started hovering over her neck. "Huzaifa..."

She who expected him to proceed with whatever he wanted opened her eyes once again finding no motion from him. She met with his curious gaze. He was looking at her deeply as though he wanted to read her.

"What's wrong?" He implored, in a gentle tone.

She became ruddy because of embarrassment. "I...I think so I need time to accept all this."

She lowered down her head to stare at his gifted engagement ring on her finger because she couldn't dive into his eyes at that moment. She had accepted all this in the past. He came to ask her about her point of view about this marriage and if she was only doing it for his parents, then she should say no. He allowed her to make a choice but she preferred her love and crush to thrive. He would get angry at her for sure. She had seen all this coming but she ignored it because of her craze. However, as soon as she heard those words from him that he would be giving her rights only to please (piss off) his parents, it made her every wall to break away.

She didn't want him to touch her by thinking of it as a retribution against his father. If he ever wanted to come near her, it shouldn't come off as a game which according to him, was an adventure that he anticipated, fought, and won.

Huzaifa lifted her face with the help of his index finger and thumb. "You can take that time. I am in no way in favor of forcing my right on anyone."

Her mouth fell open. She thought he would get furious because that was what she had conceded to when he first asked for this marriage. "Really?"

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