~Chapter 17~

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As the last drop of the potion passed my lips, I dropped the cup as Circi had a grin threatning to break through.

"Don't worry, Percy," C.C. said. "The pain will pass. Look! As I promised. Immediate results."

With a grin, I casually wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, savoring the lingering flavor of the potion. "Hmm, not bad," I remarked, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "Tasted like a strawberry shake. You might want to work on your potion recipes, Circe."

Her shock turned to indignation as she realized that her magic had failed to take hold. "Impossible," she spat, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Who are you? What trickery is this?"

I met her gaze with unwavering resolve, Morningstar appeared in my hands as Circi stepped back. "Like I told you, my name is Percy Jackson," I replied grinning. "And sadly for you, that potion had no affect."

Circe recoiled as her true emotions showing, pure hatred and disgust. "Who is your godly parent," she muttered, her voice tinged with a mixture of fear and disdain. "Are you a child of Hecate?"

I chuckled darkly, the weight of Morningstar comforting in my grasp. "Oh no, she is not my mother. Although I have great respect for the Witch Mother." I replied cryptically, my gaze never leaving hers.

With a swift motion, I raised Morningstar, the blade gleaming in the dim light of Circe's chamber. "Now, unless you want to see just how sharp this sword really is, I suggest you do as I say."

Circe raised her hands, fingers poised to unleash a torrent of magical energy against me. "You may have resisted my potion, demigod, but you are still no match for my magic," she sneered, her voice dripping with malice.

I smirked, a defiant glint in my eyes. "We'll see about that," I retorted, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

With a swift motion, I called upon the shadows, willing them to rise up and envelop Circe in a shroud of darkness. As the inky tendrils snaked toward her, she recoiled, her spells faltering momentarily under the onslaught of my power.

But Circe was not one to be easily defeated. With a flick of her wrist, she conjured a swirling vortex of magical energy, attempting to banish the shadows that threatened to consume her. As the two forces clashed, the chamber erupted into a cacophony of crackling energy and swirling darkness, each of us fighting tooth and nail for the upper hand.

Sensing an opportunity, I drew upon my poison manipulation abilities, sending a wave of toxic fumes billowing toward Circe. She coughed and sputtered, her movements slowing as the noxious vapors seeped into her lungs.

But Circe was not so easily deterred. With a defiant cry, she countered my poison with a wave of her hand, summoning a protective barrier of shimmering energy to repel the deadly toxins.

Undeterred, I shifted tactics, calling upon the elements themselves to aid me in battle. With a flick of my wrist, I summoned a torrent of water to crash down upon Circe, drenching her to the bone and sapping her strength with its relentless force.

But Circe was a master of the arcane arts, and she wasted no time in retaliating. With a muttered incantation, she summoned a wall of flame to engulf me, the searing heat threatening to consume me whole.

Yet even as the flames licked at my skin, I remained undaunted. With a primal roar, I called upon my fire manipulation abilities, turning the flames to my will and directing them back toward Circe with renewed fury.

The sorceress stumbled backward, her defenses crumbling under the onslaught of fire and water. With a triumphant grin, I pressed the attack, summoning bolts of lightning to streak across the chamber, each one crackling with deadly power.

Circe's eyes widened in fear as the lightning arced toward her, her own spells faltering in the face of my relentless assault. With a final surge of energy, I unleashed the full force of my powers against her, the crackling energy of the lightning engulfing her in a blinding flash of light.

As the smoke cleared, I stood victorious, my chest heaving with exertion as I surveyed the chamber. Circe lay sprawled on the ground before me, defeated but not yet vanquished.

With a satisfied smile, I turned to my companions, their faces alight with admiration and gratitude. "Well, that was certainly... electrifying," I quipped, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins as I sheathed Morningstar into Atlan.

Skill "Wall of Fire" accquired

Skill "Magic Blasts" accquired

Skill "Illusion Casting" accquired

Skill "Projective Animal Metamorphosis" accquired

Skill "Matter Transmogrification" accquired

"Wow I like this." I grin as I recieved my new skills. "Now for the others little pigs. And now that I have projective Animal Metamorphosis and Matter Transmogrification I can.... actually I don't know what they look like so it won't be possiable."

Sighing I open the Online Shop to buy some vitamins. I flicked off the lid and pured the little gummies into the pen and watched the guinea pigs scuttled out to see the new food. I watched them eat the gummies and stood back.

The cage exploded and six other guys who all looked disoriented, blinking and shaking wood shavings out of their hair.

One of the men stood up—a huge guy with a long tangled pitch-black beard and teeth the same color. He wore mismatched clothes of wool and leather, knee-length boots, and a floppy felt hat. The other men were dressed more simply—in breeches and stained white shirts. All of them were barefoot.

"Argggh!" bellowed the big man. "What's the witch done t'me!"

I grin. "I recognize you! Edward Teach, son of Ares?"

"Aye, lass," the big man growled. "Though most call me Blackbeard! And where is the sorceress what captured us?

"She is dead."

"I guess I will find me a big bowl of celery! Arggggh!"

"Before that, how would you like to help me with something?"

"Depends, Lad." Blackbeard scratched his beard.

"There are two girls here, they are sisters. Hylla and Reyna. Daughters of Bellona. I want you to take the two of them to the Wolf House."

"Arggh... what is that wolf house?" One of the other pirates asked.

"It is obviously a house of wolves, you flea-bitten pig." Another responed hitting him on the head.

"Anyways, I'll give you a map to the location and if you do this I'll give you the greatest treasure ever."

"And what will that be, lad?" Blackbeard asked.

"The location of Eden." 

Legend of Perseus 2: Mission: Bermuda (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now