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The bright morning sunlight brimming through the spaces of the curtains over the window brought a new message of hope and ambition. The cream-white curtains both bathed in sandy good, giving it a feel of gold peeking through a wall. She twitched in her place when it fell upon her face.

Unaiza arched her back as sleep slowly made its way out of her. She gradually opened her eyes and the first thing they saw was the light brow ceiling of Huzaifa's bedroom. The change of place and the revelation of the difference in her life and status caused her heart to beat at some other level that she felt it throbbing against her ribcage.

She became Huzaifa's wife.

She again turned her head to the right side and her eager eyes met her gorgeous husband. He was still sleeping but this time he was facing her. Once again an not so innocent wish germinated in her heart to touch him. She had been fantasizing this guy for such a long time and now this dream was purely permissible and halal. She didn't have to stop herself from imagining him because he wasn't hers.

Unaiza closed her eyes and moved her hand over her neck and collarbone, recalling the charming feeling of Huzaifa's lips and fingers on her every sensitive spot of her skin. He had mesmerized her with his allure by making her crave for more of him last night. A weird thought rose in her mind that whether she could make him feel the same? That he would want more from her but that would be bit by bit? Could she make him yearn for her?

This craziness caused her to open her mind and once again stare at his bare chest and arms. She swallowed thickly at the breathtaking sight. Unaiza pulled out her arm and then softly grazed her fingers over his bicep. The way his warm and smooth skin made contact with her delicate fingers brought so many butterflies in her stomach instead. She brooded finding that it was she once again who was getting affected not he.

Unaiza moved her flat palm over the bulge of his arm and then his forearm, feeling the impact of craze all over her being. 

"Baby, take the call. It's Inaya."

A silhouette appeared in the back of her mind. A familiar voice sounded when she didn't even hear it in the first place. Unaiza's hand stilled on his forearm and then she jerked it back to herself.

His lover, his girlfriend, his soulmate, and the only girl who lived in his heart.

While she. She was no one to him. She was just a wife who was forced upon him. And he was looking out for any chance to make her use as a channel to irritate his father. Whatever sweet gestures he showed to her were part of the game and she despite knowing it couldn't resist him at all.

Why was she getting jealous? Even his touch was a blessing for a worthless girl like her. He never gave her promises for more. He was doing what he said to her before their marriage and she accepted it. Then why suddenly become so wistful for his attention more than she had the merit to get?

Her Step Husband ✓Where stories live. Discover now