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As the warm water was falling down her hair, there was something else too boiling as a lava inside her. Why was she making all this so complicated for herself? She should be just happy with what she was getting. Why ask for more and more? There was a fight going on between her heart and mind. The heart which wanted to drown in her love for Huzaifa while the mind didn't want to be part of any game. The heart wanted those feelings for herself only, getting jealous over his already existent girlfriend and the mind wanted to remind her of the deal that was made between them.

Huzaifa's love and crush wasn't something she had been harboring for a few days. It had been present since the first time saw him. He intrigued her. The way he irritated her made her crave for him more and more. And now it wasn't easy to resist him when he was so close to her and became her husband. Dangerously closer and he wanted to break every wall of indifference and distance in between them. 

She remembered when she tried to resist his charm once in the bedroom by excusing herself using Aqia, he proudly and skillfully once again tried to attract her.

"Till how long are you gonna stay inside? After all at some point you need to come back to the bedroom and in my arms," he whispered seductively and she knew she failed terribly to mask her reaction to him.

After taking a warm shower, she felt at ease a bit. Not for the reasons she wanted to be but at the moment, this much was sufficient as well.

Unaiza really needed to learn how to stand firm against him to also fight in the game which he was considering this union to be. If he wanted to fight, she should also do the same to remain on an equal footing with him. If he ever wanted this marriage to work on the real level, it should be because of his commitment to her, not to annoy his father.

Unaiza opened the wardrobe and as Aqia said, she found an ironed sleek red fancy dress. It was a red shirt that would reach her knees having golden embroidery and sequins on its neck and sleeves. The beautiful mirror work was all over the shirt. This was matched with the red garage having the same golden border as the shirt. Lastly, the chiffon dupatta was long and heavy having a multi-colored border on its both ends. Unaiza gulped at this. That was too heavy and also such a dark color. Her skin tone would not go well with it. Aqia perhaps selected it because that gave a feeling of a newly wedded bride's dress. Nevertheless, she had to wear this only because Aqia chose it with so much love.

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