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The living dream she often referred to as Huzaifa's companionship in her diary was happening right now.

There was no doubt about that because his touch was possessively claiming every bit of her being while she could feel his hot breath, will doing wonders to her lovestruck heart, smitten soul, and body.

When Unaiza nodded, he didn't waste a second before placing his lips over her. His one hand was encircling the small of her back while the other one was covering her cheek.

She felt nostalgic. Like she was sent to another world where there were blooming flowers everywhere.

Huzaifa's lips were attentive and slow against her like he was giving her enough time to adjust to this new dynamic between them. His brown eyes were keenly digging into her face as he needed to make sure that she was okay and actually wanted this to happen.

He really didn't have to do that. He didn't love her so why was he acting like lovers?

He put a bit of pressure over her lower lip and she gasped in pleasure. That was too different than the words to explain her feelings at that moment. Huzaifa curled his fingers in the flesh of her back as he dropped small yet lingering kisses on her lower lip sensually. She left every bit of restraint and loosened up herself in his arms to take care of her as he wanted. Unaiza closed her eyes while hooking her nails in the buttons of his sweatshirt.

Huzaifa was kissing her. Could luck be any more gracious at her than this? Their breaths were mingling, their lips were in contact, their bodies were touching and their senses were only attentive to one another. There was no second thought that this was the best moment of her life ever.

Sensing her readiness, Huzaifa tilted his head a bit and captured her lower lip in his own. This made her groan for more of it. More of Huzaifa. More of this instant. But after a few pecks on her full lips, he pulled away. Unaiza brooded in annoyance. Why did he stop after making her so eager for him?

He cupped her flushed face. "What do you want, Unaiza?"

I want you. I want you. I want you.

The glint in his eyes made it obvious that he caught her. Huzaifa was the epitome of refinement and he knew that he must have obvious effects on the women. There was a whole lot who wanted to have his companionship. Many girls were his fans. Why he stopped was because she herself asked for time from him last night and now he wanted her to voice her readiness and eagerness for him by making her crave for him more. He found her becoming affected by him and now he wanted to play this game in his own way.

A very strange personality in her urged her to use his game on him. It wanted Huzaifa to yearn for her but not so easily as he was thinking. Something in her mind heard this even though her heart wanted to say that he should continue kissing her. 

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