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After the girls decided to stop their interrogation and decided to leave to have a bit of rest before the reception, Unaiza finally felt at peace. Their questions were shameless for sure but right now they were giving her a serious headache because her mind was preoccupied with just one person and that was Huzaifa.

His lips, his breath, his taste, his touch, his smile, and the feel of his broad hands over every sensitive part of her body.

She still remembered the contour of his lips and how they tasted. But her rebellious and unashamed heart wanted more.

More of Huzaifa. More of his lips. More of his mouth. More of his touch.

Unaiza groaned inwardly before she dropped her gaze to her hand where his name was still written. The twisted way he used to play the name-searching game was still refreshed in her mind and even the hot sense of his lips evolved a fire on her palm.

Huzaifa was twisted but his closeness had made her weird as well.

She was innocent as far as she remembered. But now none of her thoughts about him were innocent as people called her as.

As she was left with only Ishmal, she took a deep breath. She was so tired of keeping the fake smiles and replying to everything. She needed to have a calm time with herself to think of someone other than Huzaifa Tashfeen Malik.

Ishmal twirled the bracelet on her wrist. "Huzaifa has a good choice."

She kind of agrees with it. From Inaya to modeling to even this present, he certainly had a good choice.

"I liked it too," she murmured, thoughtfully.

"Everything was fine last night?" Ishmal asked.

The meanie Huzaifa she had known since childhood had not been present at all ever since he became her husband. He still teased her but God, she liked it more than anything else because it made her crave for him more. Perhaps that was why after Aqia, Hiba, and Tashfeen, Ishmal too asked her the same. Haider didn't exclusively question this because of the obvious modesty between a brother and sister but she was sure he must have asked his wife to do this task for him.

She nodded. "Yes, Bhabi."

Ishmal grabbed her hand. "Give this relationship some time, Unaiza. He is your husband and husbands are very possessive and caring for their wives. Eventually, he will see you with that light and grow some husband-type feelings for you initially. I was very scared too when I got married to Haider. Of course, that was the contract between us and also because he scared me," she chuckled lightly. "But there was a fear in my heart that he wouldn't act good with me. But somehow he cared for me when he saw me with the husband's eyes. I wouldn't say that I am a valid example for you because ours are two different situations but I really ask you to give him some time. I am pretty sure he can't resist someone so lovely like you."

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