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Why does it all feel so illegal but right at the same time

What if it really was an attraction and not what people want it to be

I want it to be more then an attraction I know this is more then an attraction

But what if it isn't

I am scared that it might be true

Honestly I don't look at you like I used to three months ago

I could look at you in the eye and as a friend but now I can't it makes me want to sin

But what if I lose you all over again

This is illegal to began with we are committing a sin

And what if we get punished?

This is too young we are too young

What if we make mistakes we can't correct

I am afraid something might go wrong

Thats why I am making my distance from you

I can feel eyes on me everytime you enter the room its like everybody knows

And I know this is why my last one ended but I don't want this to end

The more people know the more they ruin things I don't want things to be ruined between us

I mean you look so irresistible I can't stop myself from not maintaining the distance but still I hope

I really do hope nobody knows

I want to rewind time and make things unnoticeble so that noone knows

I don't want to ruin things between us

I don't want to ruin you or me

I just want to fix things and know if its an attraction or something more then this

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now