Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 143

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"Hey, how about we head back now?" Killian suggested, breaking the reverie of their conversation.

Micah nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a mixture of fatigue and readiness to return home. "Yeah, let's do that," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of exhaustion.

Killian turned to Micah with a slight frown, his brows furrowing with concern. "You didn't leave anything behind on the ship, did you?" he inquired, his tone laced with a touch of worry.

Micah shook her head, her fatigue momentarily forgotten as she reassured her brother. "No, I made sure to double-check before we left. But if you want, we can go back and do another sweep," she offered, her voice soft and reassuring.

Killian sighed, the weariness of their journey evident in his posture. "Nah, I'm too tired for that. Let's just head back home and get some rest," he suggested, his voice heavy with exhaustion.

Micah nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on her lips. "You're right, brother. Let's save the double-checking for another time," she agreed, her tone filled with relief at the prospect of finally resting.

Turning his attention to Eldritch, Killian addressed their guest with a friendly smile. "How about you, Eldritch? Did you manage to gather all your belongings from the ship?" he inquired, his tone polite and considerate.

Eldritch nodded, his expression calm and composed. "Yes, everything I need is right here," he confirmed, gesturing towards the spear he held in his hand.

"Great, then it's settled. Let's head back home and get some well-deserved rest," Killian declared, his tone decisive as he took charge of the situation.

Micah smiled gratefully at her brother, her fatigue momentarily forgotten in the warmth of his reassurance. "Thank you, Killian," she murmured, her voice soft with gratitude.

"Oh, it's great to see you both again, Zach and Ruby'ck," Killian greeted warmly, his tone filled with genuine interest. "I'm looking forward to meeting some of the other members of your band."

Zach nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "They're actually around the village right now, going about their usual lively routines," he explained.

"Ah, I'll have to catch up with them later, then," Killian replied, his expression reflecting a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

Micah, standing beside her brother, chimed in with excitement. "I'd like to join you, brother. I'm curious to meet them too," she declared, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.

"Of course, Micah. You're welcome to come along," Killian replied, his voice warm with brotherly affection.

Zach, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, furrowed his brow in confusion. "Wait, what's going on?" he asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Killian chuckled softly, his demeanor relaxed as he explained their plans. "Well, I thought it would be nice to have a dinner together at my home. I'll guide you there later tonight, but just make sure you're back before nightfall," he said.

Zach nodded in understanding, a sense of gratitude washing over him. "I'll let the others know about the dinner plans. And as for our home..." he began, but was interrupted by Killian.

"Don't worry, Zach. I know where you live. After all, we were the ones who built this village. Your home is near the farm, next to the guest houses," Killian reassured him, his tone friendly and reassuring.

Zach smiled appreciatively, his worries eased by Killian's assurances. "That's good to know," he replied, his voice tinged with relief.

With their plans for the evening settled, Killian suggested they head back home to rest. Ruby'ck, sensing Zach's apprehension, reached out and took his hand, offering him a comforting squeeze.

Together, they strolled through the village, each lost in their own thoughts and conversations. As Zach and Ruby'ck arrived at their home, Killian set off to show Eldritch around the village, while Micah made her way to her own home nearby, with also the villagers dispersing to their respective homes.

Zach retreated to the bedroom, sinking into a chair with a heavy sigh. Ruby'ck followed suit, settling herself on the edge of Zach's bed, her presence a comforting anchor in the midst of their swirling thoughts.

"Killian and Micah... I was worried they might have known more about us," Zach confessed, his voice tinged with relief.

"I shared that concern, Zach. Especially when Eldritch began recounting our encounters," Ruby'ck admitted, her tone soft with apprehension.

Zach nodded in agreement, his brows furrowing in thought. "Yes, I feared he might inadvertently reveal our true identities as members of the Renaissance band," he added.

Ruby'ck's gaze softened, a flicker of gratitude lighting up her features. "I'm grateful that they remained unaware of our past," she murmured, her voice filled with sincerity.

Zach returned her sentiment with a gentle smile, a sense of relief washing over him. "Me too," he replied, his voice tinged with gratitude.

As they lingered in the quiet of the room, Ruby'ck shifted closer, her warmth a soothing presence beside him. With a shared glance, they found solace in each other's company, their fears momentarily forgotten in the embrace of their shared understanding.

With a contented sigh, Ruby'ck reclined on the bed beside Zach, their closeness offering a sense of peace and reassurance in the face of uncertainty. 

"What are you doing?" he inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.

"I'm just... really... tired..." Ruby'ck murmured, her words muffled by a stifled yawn.

Zach's confusion deepened at her response. "Already? But the day has just begun," he remarked, his tone tinged with surprise.

"I'm tired!" Ruby'ck insisted, her voice growing more emphatic.

Understanding dawned on Zach's features as he nodded in comprehension. "Ah, I see," he acknowledged, his voice gentle with understanding.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Zach pondered their next course of action. "How about we cook for them together?" he suggested, his tone hopeful.

"Cook!?" Ruby'ck exclaimed, her weariness evaporating in an instant as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

With newfound energy coursing through her veins, Ruby'ck leaped to her feet, her enthusiasm infectious. "Yes, food!!" she declared, her voice ringing with determination.

Zach blinked in disbelief at her sudden burst of energy, struggling to keep up with her rapid change in mood. "Huh?" he mumbled, taken aback by her sudden transformation.

"Food! Food! FOOD!" Ruby'ck chanted, her excitement reaching a fever pitch as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

Zach shook his head in bemusement, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "How... How did you even suddenly have the energy to talk like that..." he wondered aloud, his tone filled with amusement.

"Well, food! I'm sooooo hungry!" Ruby'ck exclaimed, her stomach growling in agreement with her sentiments.

"I'm confused because of you," Zach admitted, chuckling softly at her antics.

Undeterred by Zach's confusion, Ruby'ck seized his arm with determination, her grip firm as she tugged him towards the kitchen. "Come on, let's get cooking now!" she urged, her enthusiasm undiminished.

"Okay, okay. I'll be with yo---," Zach began, only to be cut off by Ruby'ck's insistence.

With a playful grin, Ruby'ck propelled Zach towards the kitchen, her energy infectious as they embarked on their culinary adventure together. "Off to the kitchen!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement.

"Ahh, energetic are we," Zach remarked wryly, allowing himself to be swept along by Ruby'ck's boundless enthusiasm.

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