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When she entered the kitchen, she found it empty except for the one maid who was preparing for the breakfast. That was the early morning and no one was up at this moment. It was the usual time when Huzaifa did his swimming. He didn't do it regularly. Maybe every other day or thrice a week. According to him, he did it to freshen up his body and mind to build stamina and muscle strength.

He had asked her to send a fresh orange juice to him in a while. And that rebellious self in Unaiza wanted to do this task by herself. It was dangerous and tricky but that was what made it enjoyable to do. She had fantasized about him for such a long time but every time she stopped herself by thinking that it was not permissible to grow feelings for a non mehram. However, right now, Huzaifa is her husband. She had both legal and sacred right to be near her husband and admire him from afar. In the room, the view of his well-defined back, torso, and limbs had made her restless, to say the least. He seemed too hot to be real. Many times a small wish germinated in her heart to feel all those muscles under her palm. 

There was no risk in it at all. Huzaifa wouldn't know at all that if she was there with his glass of juice, that was to gawk at him.

Her cheeks reddened at her self-talk. What the hell happened to her? But when a love-stricken girl would get permission to be with her crush by every means, that wasn't something peculiar to arise as was occurring with her. Unaiza sliced the oranges and put them in the juicer machine.

"Should I make it, Bibi?" The maid asked her.

She shook her head as she added water to the mixture. "No, I'll prepare it."

After two rounds, she poured the orange juice into a glass. She grabbed the tray in her hand before leaving the kitchen. When she reached the back of the house where the swimming pool was situated, she found a small silhouette of her husband in the clear blue water. It made her gulp. Minutes later, Huzaifa emerged from the water after his last stroke. He moved his hand through his hair as the droplets of water declined from his hair, face, and beard. Unaiza's breath got to hold in her throat at the breathtaking sight.

That was alluring. He was like a monument that was so refined.

Huzaifa's confused eyes locked over her as he completely came out of the pool. Once again the sight of his muscular and big body made her legs almost feel like a jelly. However, she continued ogling at him unabashedly. Her eyes weren't ready to leave his sight at all. It felt like she was bewitched.

Huzaifa rubbed his hair with a towel as he moved over to her. "Why did you bring it yourself?"

He gritted his brows as he saw her gawking at his chest as though she lost the sense of this world. "Unaiza?"

She almost snapped out of her place. "Huh?"

A small smirk crossed his lips as he removed the gap between them. "I told you to ask any maid to bring over my juice."

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