Accident at the Lab

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"Beep Beep

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"Beep Beep...", the machine was loading. "Dr. Sanjay, the apprentice has come here", an assistant called him. Sanjay glanced at him, "I you are the guy who got the PhD in Energy manipulation by using machines...err...Dr?". "It's Arnav, and it's combined work with my friend, he's too coming but may be late", he said. "Aah! Very well...the youth have been becoming brighter and brighter, I'm very excited that you are in my team!". "No sir! It's our honour to meet you, to be in the team of the renowned physicist to get a noble prize for discovering a way to detect dark matter and dark's an exceptional opportunity for us!", suddenly Arnav replied. "Ha ha!", he just chuckled "You don't need to be that much modest kid"

"I think you might have some idea about our latest research now, don't you?", "Yes sir! A way to channel a small amount of electrical energy towards the brain and try to copy the memory into digital copy". Dr. Sanjay was impressed, "So you have quite studied about it, that's great!". "Let's have a trial right now", he walked towards the machine and stood inside the chamber, then put on a helmet fixed with wires. 

Suddenly a loud electrical bursting sound was echoing throughout the lab. "Aah!!!", Dr. Sanjay started bellowing. "Sir! Dr. Sanjay!!!", Arnav was horrified.  Suddenly he jumped out of the machine, laughing, "Hahaha! That was fun!". "Sir...", Arnav was shocked. "This works just fine...but now I want to channel the dark energy to it...err...there's a prototype, a hybrid! Made of both matter and dark matter. "But sir, can the dark matter interact physically with the matter?", Arnav was filled with curiosity. "Half right!", Dr Sanjay replied, "This machine is quite special... more correctly unique, it's made of a metal that was not discovered me myself found inside the piece of an asteroid that fell at the Shivalik region", he continued, "This metal has some mysterious properties to hold any form of energy without changing, sounds unreal I know...but that's the truth.

"Creeek....", a sound came from the monitor connected to the prototype. "What's that sound?", Arnav noticed it. "I can't also figure it out, but it's been a week since it happened...but the machine works well...", Dr Sanjay quickly replied. "Aah...come one let's finally test this big guy! I'm pretty confident". He stepped towards the prototype and stood inside as he had done in the initial machine. "Creeeeeeeeeek...!!! Zrrrrrpppp....!!!",  the machine started to behave very strangely. "Aaaaahhhh!!! Nooo...!!!", Sanjay's bellow was painful enough to prove it's not a prank this time. Arnav ran towards the control panel, "Dr! I believe you are not kidding this time!", he shut down the main power. He was stunned to see that Dr Sanjay was floating inside the chamber...surrounded by some mysterious glowing light, he was not screaming anymore, just silent as dead. "Dr Sanjay!!!", Arnav hastened towards him, just that time the physicist fell to the ground. Everyone surrounding him tried their best to give primary medical treatment, but still, he wasn't responding.

Deep in his consciousness, he started seeing some visions he couldn't comprehend.  He began to feel his breath. "Aadhyan! Aadhyan! This is not the time for this! Open your eyes!!!", immediately Sanjay gasped and woke up. "What?!! Am I dead or is this a...dream?!", he was no more in his lab, he was no more in his lab suit. He was completely dressed in armour, in the middle of some battlefield. He could feel some strange energy surging in his veins. He carefully observed the environment, the sky was covered with dark clouds, rumbling due to thunder. Many strange aircraft were flying in the sky, almost at lightning speed. All the people he could see were warriors fighting fiercely.

"Raar!", a strong muscular man, but he wasn't completely human, acting like a savage jumped towards him. Another strong warrior slashed the freak with his sharp glowing sword to save him. "Aadhyan! Have you lost your senses?!! Do you wanna be killed by the hands of some freaks from the rogue Rakshasa clan?! If you can't fight, just immediately go to the base and help to fix those damn airships!". "What are you talking about?! Where am I? Which...What airships? And who's Aadhyan?", Sanjay was confused. "I think he lost his senses", another young man responded. "And also we can't return right now...", he told further, "Our paths have been blocked by those freaks!". "Ahh! Why can't these fools learn even after their stupid leader has been executed by our beloved prince?!", the warrior yelled. "Calm down Ashoka", the young man continued, "The prince too is coming to help's just a matter of time, that our prince, the mighty Devaj vanquishes all of them in a fraction of a second", he was so confident and excited. "Excuse me young man", Sanjay called him. "Aaah! It's Akash, come on...old man! Can't you even remember my name? It's too pitiful for a commander of a troop of the Deva clan to have poor memory ". Sanjay was really confused...was he Dr Sanjay or Aadhyan, the commander of a troop of the Deva clan? "Wait! What are these clans?! Deva....Rakashasa...are there any other clans like these...? Am I in any mythology....puranas? I was performing a trial of the prototype and something happened...Am I dead or is this a dream or a hallucination I teleported to some other realm?!!". Sanjay...perhaps Aadhyan was confused.

As he looked up, the sky suddenly became brighter. Something glowing in a bright golden colour struck the ground with a huge noise, and he could sense some energy emanating from there. It was as if he was interacting with the power he could feel in his blood. The collision caused such a wave that it wiped out a few hundred of the rogues. "There comes our brave prince! Devaj! Long live the prince!" Ashoka and Akash yelled together in such a way that their voices synced together.

"What...what the...?!!", Sanjay...or...Aadhyan exclaimed. As he watched the man fight, the old man couldn't believe what he was seeing. The man in front of him, who appeared to be a prince from the Deva clan, was none other than Dr. Arnav. Or perhaps he just had a strikingly similar face. Nevertheless, Dr Arnav was fighting like a skilled warrior with some sort of supernatural powers. He wielded a sword in each hand and effortlessly defeated numerous enemies from the Rakshasa clan. The old man was thoroughly confused and felt as though his brain might explode from the shock of it all.

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