Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 147

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Zach approached the door and turned the knob, it swung open to reveal Eldritch standing there.

"Oh, Eldritch, it's just you," Zach greeted with a friendly smile.

Curious, he inquired further, "What brings you here around this time for lunch?"

Eldritch replied with a warm smile, holding out a pot filled with his homemade porridge and stew.

"Just thought I'd share my own creation with you," he explained simply. "A little something to enjoy together."

Eldritch then proceeded to explain the process of making his porridge and stew, detailing each step with enthusiasm.

"Well, for the porridge, I started by simmering some grains—mostly barley and oats—in a pot of water until they were soft and creamy," he began. "Then, I added in some diced vegetables like carrots, onions, and celery for extra flavor and nutrients."

"As for the stew," he continued, "I began by searing some chunks of meat—I used venison this time, but you can use any kind you prefer—in a hot pan until they were nicely browned. Then, I added in some broth, along with root vegetables like potatoes and turnips, and let it all simmer together until the flavors melded beautifully."

"I also added a sprinkle of herbs and spices—just a pinch of thyme and a dash of salt and pepper—to bring out the flavors even more," Eldritch added with a smile. "Simple ingredients, but they come together to make something truly delicious."

Zach's warm smile lit up his face as he complimented Eldritch on his culinary skills. "Wow, Eldritch, this looks and smells amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your cooking with us."

With genuine gratitude, Zach accepted the porridge and stew from Eldritch, taking a moment to express his thanks once again. "I really appreciate this. It's so kind of you to think of us."

After exchanging a few more words of appreciation and well wishes, they bid each other farewell, with Zach heading back inside to share Eldritch's delicious creations with the rest of the group.

Zach carefully retrieved the stew and porridge from the icebox, their savory aroma filling the kitchen.

"I knew I was right, my nose is always right! Stew and porridge!" Jiighual exclaimed excitedly as he caught wind of the delicious dishes.

Before Jiighual could dive into the food, Zach intercepted him with a gentle reminder. "Hey, Jiighual, didn't I assign you with the dishes?"

With a cheeky grin, Jiighual assured Zach, "Captain, no worries. The task you gave us is already finished!"

Observing the others gathered in the dining room, Zach nodded in acknowledgment. "Hmm, well, that was quicker than I expected. Make sure to save some for them, alright? It's from Eldritch."

"Will do, Captain!" Jiighual affirmed eagerly before darting back to the icebox to grab a plate and spoon.

Taking his seat beside Ruby'ck, Zach joined the group at the dining table, where Qarek couldn't help but comment, "Hey, captain, was that Eldritch just now?"

Smiling at Qarek's keen observation, Zach replied, "Yes, that was Eldritch. I'm impressed by your instinct to recognize him."

"Captain, I gotta say, it's good to see Eldritch around. Never thought we'd see him as part of the village," Qarek remarked, stirring his stew thoughtfully.

Zach nodded in agreement, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "Yeah, it's been quite a journey. But people change, circumstances change. It's good to see him finding his place here."

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