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"Save me," he murmured.

I woke up from my sleep. Sweat dripping. Oh it was a nightmare. I opened the glass of the window beside my bed. A cold breeze came through my window. I looked at the sky. Full moon. The sky was clear. I took my phone to check the time. 2.30 am right now. I should go back to sleep.

2 days later

The nightmare was haunting me. And I felt like someone was whispering in my ear to go there. I remembered every single thing that happened in my dream. I feel that the dream was ...real.

I really wanna go to that place.
Yes I want to.

Without saying anything I started for that place. Driving towards the direction in my dream.

That road right there. The only road leads to the jungle.

I drove

Wow now I can see that tree. A really big tree. But the boy wasn't there. The boy not really a boy he looked 20. Older than me I guess.

I drove deeper into the jungle. Wait I can see an old house there. Really old.

I parked the car and got out

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I parked the car and got out. My legs are shaking. I slowly stepped towards the house.

Now I am infront of the door. The door was locked from inside.

Tf who is gonna live in that creepy place. I tried to open the door. But I couldn't open it. Bruh.

I stopped trying and stepped back.


The door opened itself.

Shivers down my spine.

I dared to go in.
Dark but light was peeking through the window. I can see everything inside. The house looked so small outside but inside it's bigger than anyone can imagine. Like a mansion.

I started walking slowly, looking around, and saw literally hundreds of pictures pinned on the wall. The pictures seemed so historic and nostalgic. Wait, nostalgic? But why? I felt like I had been in the house before. I saw a large wall mat with a photo of a woman wearing a white gown. She had a gorgeous ring on her finger. It looked like it was her engagement day.

Then I looked at my finger. I gulped. I have a ring it exactly looks like hers. I was wearing it.

Then I started walking slowly again. I was in the drawing room. There are four rooms inside. I stepped inside the first room. There was nothing except old furnitures. The furnitures looked so costly. Then I also went inside the 2nd and 3rd room. There wasn't anything special.

And the 4th room remaining. But door was closed. I opened the door.

And I saw that boy.

He bit a woman's neck and drank Blood.

He looked at me with desired eyes again like that day. This stare of his sents shiver down my spine.

I ran as fast as I can.

I looked back for second. I didn't see him following.

And luckily the door wasn't closed like in the horror movies. I ran out of the house and went inside the car.

I am safe thanks to god.

I started the engine and looked at the mirror....

He was sitting at back seat.

I screamed , "AHHHHHHHHH."

To be continued...

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Dark Desires|J.Jungkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now