Untouchable (Part 1)

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The girl was running through deserted paths surrounded by forests. She appeared to be around 25 to 26 years old. She looked extremely scared, with fear evident in her eyes. She wore a light blue frilly Chudidar, stained with blood, and her hair was loose, swaying in the wind. She carried a bag slung over her shoulder, its zipper slightly open. She held the bag tightly, as if ready to sacrifice her life to protect whatever was inside. Two swords were strapped to her shoulders, and tears were rolling from her eyes without pause. She kept looking back as if death itself was chasing her.

After running for a while, she spotted a temple. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she entered the temple. It was a large temple, and as she stepped inside, she saw a statue of Lord Krishn. A sorrowful smile appeared on her face upon seeing Krishn's statue. She placed her bag down, opened it, and said, "Baccha, come out." A girl of about two and a half years emerged from the bag. The girl looked very innocent, with wounds scattered across her body.

The woman took out a locket of Radha-Krishn from her neck and put it around the girl's neck. "Baccha, go and hide behind Krishna. He will protect you," she said, caressing the girl's face and kissing her forehead.

"Mamma, where are you going? And where is papa?" asked the girl innocently in trembling voice.

"Don't cry, baccha. He is with Krishna, and I am also going to meet them. They both are calling me..." the woman said, her eyes wetting up with tears. She didn't want to cry in front of the girl, so she looked away and wiped her tears.

"Don't worry, dear. Go and hide behind Krishna like a good girl. Mamma has to go to meet Krishn and papa; they are waiting for me," she said, embracing the girl.

"Okay, Mamma," said the girl, running to hide behind the statue of Krishn.

"Oh, Krishn, take care of my daughter and protect her. I am leaving her in your care," the woman prayed with closed eyes and folded hands.

She lowered her hands, then suddenly opened her eyes. Seeing the solemnity in her eyes, she picked up her bag and walked away.

Meanwhile, some men in black clothes armed with weapons were searching for someone.

"I wonder where that woman went," one of them said, looking around.

Just then, someone emerged from the darkness ahead.

"Hey, everyone, look that way. Who is that?"

As the figure approached, all the men burst into laughter. It was the same girl who had left the little girl in the temple. Her eyes were downcast, and she held swords in both hands, which were piercing the ground, causing a sound that could be heard.

"Look, the well has come to quench our thirst itself. She has come to die on its own," one of them said, laughing. Hearing his words, the girl stopped and looked up at them with eyes filled with a gaze that could consume them all.

"Why are you staring? Will you kill me? I am enough for you," she said, advancing towards them, and chaos ensued.

A sly smile appeared on the girl's face. She also moved towards him and, with a swift movement, swung her sword, decapitating one of them. The others, frightened, stepped back, and one by one, they came forward to fight with her. She started eliminating them one by one. Due to their large number, she began to tire, and she was panting heavily. Her body was completely drenched in blood. The entire forest echoed with the screams of those men. After dispatching all of them, the girl, leaning on her sword, stood still. Just then, someone attacked her from behind.

***Next Day***

The morning had already dawned, with the beautiful rays of the sun shining across the entire sky. Birds were chirping around the temple premises, and the atmosphere was filled with positivity. The pandits were busy preparing for the morning prayers, chanting the name of Lord Krishn Govinda Hare Murari.

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