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This book is so confusing, even for me. So I'll explain the best I can, so [Name] is mentally ill/unstable. The 'voice' in her head is just her. She thinks it's someone else talking, but it's just her, so basically shes a Scizo. Her biological father died when she was a child, he died by getting hit by a car, that fucked up [Name's] mother sos eh started taking drugs and got more abusive. Her mother found a guy on the streets whom she fell in love with. She bought him home, and they both tortured [Name] together. [Name] escaped home one faithful night and met the Akkos. They took her in and treated her well. [Name] begged the akkos to not find her home, and they complied after some talking through.

However, past trauma caused [Name] to have a constant fear of things, her sanity as at high risk. The akkos carried her to a doctor who gave her an injection to try and help her. She didn't like it because it reminded her of what happened. Her parents told her that they wouldn't do anything like that again, referring to calling the doctor. But in recent years, they notice how she has gotten worse and needs help, which leads to why they called the doctor again. The doc came with strong men, became he knew that she would refuse.

So, [Name] needs therapy, like really badly. I won't kill her in the end, I've come to the decision that due to everything she has and WILL go through, she needs her happy ending. Yay!

  ୧🍓 ༘ ₊˚.

"On sunny days I go out walking, I end up on tree-lined street, I look up at the gasp of sunlight, I miss you more than anything."

"Thank you." Auis high-pitched voice hit the eardrums of a security guard, who was just dropping off a package that was meant for the (h/c) female. The guard bowed his head in respect before walking away to continue his shift for the night.

Aui closed the door with her feet, handing the gift to her husband. "From Jennie, gentle monster." Isamu commented, placing the box on a table. "Isn't that sweet, aui?" The man received no reply from his wife, which made him  shift his attention to her. Aui sadly gazed at a happy picture held up on the wall. The picture was taken on [Name's] 14th birthday, it was a happy time for the family. Isamu frowned, he walked up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder, in attempts to reassure her. "It's okay, I'm sure she'll come around." He stated.

When aui was about to reply, she felt a hard tug on her pants. Looking down, there was oka, tugging relentlessly at aui. "Hmm, What is it, oka?" He continued tugging, soft growling coming from him. "I think she wants us to follow her." At ismaus words, oka abruptly let go of auis pants and ran to the stairs that lead to upstairs.

The two looked at each other then rushed upstairs. Oka led them to [Name's] room, which the door was slightly agar. Aui pushed the door open, revealing an empty room. "Where..?" Her voice died in her throat, her eyes scanning the room only to stop at a shadowy figure that stood on the opposite side of the balcony.

Soft [h/c] hair hit auis eyes like a brick as she shakily pointed a finger at the figure. "[Name], stop!" Her voice had a high-pitched timbre, which reached isamus eardrums, causing him to look in the same direction. He immediately dashed to where his daughter stood, reaching out a hand to stop her.

[Name] let go of the balcony grill, a soft zephyr caressing her soft hair. Three beams of the nights slivery luminescence shined down on the girl as her eyeballs gave a sideeye. Isamu stopped in his tracks, seeing what she was doing, [Name] was threatening them, she purposely let go of the grill, making him stop. She knew her family would never live with themselves after this.

"[Name] stop and think about this rationally." Isamu stated, taking a shaky step forward. "Think about what rationally, I know what I want to do, I have my mind set straight." Her reply was dry, illuminating zero emotions that she held at the moment.

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