The start of a new adventure

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Hey, I'm Elliot.  I'm here to tell you about my story as a therian.  I am 14 female and a quadrobist.  I grew up to have Cynophobia, fear of dogs.  But I've always wanted one.  I also spent most of my life with a cat named, ' Pumpkin. '  I loved her.  She was there when my parents and friends weren't.  She was a very Fluffy, Intelligent, Caring She kitty.  She was an orange cat as well.  She went with me everywhere.  Forests, Beaches, you name it.  I was devastated when she died.  She grew old, and we had to put her down.  Ever since, I've always worn a ginger tail and ears to cope with her loss.  Sometimes, I swear that I can feel her spirit walking beside me when I'm in her favorite spots.  I would cry every time that I would look at the spot that she would always rub against.  My parents would always be there for me when I would talk to them about Pumpkin.  I would often not go to school and skip family events because of this.  I fell into a deep state of depression near the age of 11.  I would wear my ears and tail to school, where I got bullied for it.  A group of girls who thought they were THE everything of the school.  I did have a very supportive friend.  I have been friends with her since 1st grade.  Her name is Ava, and I have always enjoyed her company.  Even more when Pumpkin died.  We started hanging out more and adventuring deep into forests and kinda losing ourselves to nature.  Ava was a therian herself.  I, however, didn't awaken until age 13, but we'll get to that later.  One day, when we were sitting on a ledge, watching a waterfall, she turned to look at me with a certain look. " Hey, Elliot? " She says.  I turn to look at Ava. " Hm? " I hum in response. " Have you.. ever thought that.. you were a therian? "  I look back at the waterfall as it pours into the lake below us. " No, not really. " That statement had pulled me into deep thought.  So when I went home, I did some research on so called, ' Therians. '  When I finished researching, it brought me deeper into that thought.  I lay in bed that night, wide awake.  ' Am I a therian..? '  I thought to myself.  After about 3 hours, I eventually fell asleep to the dream of Pumpkin coming back to life and cuddling by my side while I drifted off to sleep.  I woke the next morning with a startle.  I had just had a dream of myself.. but I was shorter, Fluffy,  I had ginger, Fluffy paws, like Pumpkin's paws, but I wasn't Pumpkin, and I know that, because she didn't hunt.  I must've had a past life dream.  But how could that be..?  Past lives don't exist? they..?  After I had gotten ready for school, realization struck me.  ' Wait.. I'm a.. ' My hand covered my mouth.  I clipped my tail on and put on my ears.  I shoved on my backpack and walked to school, as I usually do.  I sprinted to Ava and slapped her to get her attention.  " AVA! " I screeched. " Whoah? What's going on, Elliot?  What happened? " Ava questioned. " Ava, I think I'm a therian! "  Ava's eyes sparkled. " Nice! "

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