TWELVE, what a small world

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Chapter Twelve──(What A Small World)

it was a such a childish thought for atsumu to want to keep the black cat, but it truly nagged the back of his brain.

much to his dismay, it was him and suna that returned meowy back to its owner. although atsumu would have rather made the tourney himself, his friend insisted he join. "i fucking found it, so i should return it!" was suna's excuse, though they both knew the pet would rather be lost again than be in the hands of the brunette.

atsumu's feet aimlessly followed suna's as the latter led the two to the address that had been sent just moments ago. and as they continued their walk, the more and more they had realized that this stranger lived in the same exact dorm as they did.

based on suna's last conversion with them, they too were also a student at tokyo university, but the coincidence that they were housed in the same building was silly.

the coincidence that they were housed just a handful of floors below atsumu and his friends was silly.

they scanned each room number as they walked down the halls, suna occasionally checking his phone to confirm the address while atsumu cooed at meowy with outstretched arms.

"do ya' wanna stay with me, cutie?" atsumu murmured, baby talking the mass of fur in his hands. "purr if ya' wanna stay."

meowy hummed fondly.

it was obvious that they enjoyed the other's company.

"stop baby talking to that thing. you're being weird," suna grumbled.

"and yer being jealous 'cause this cutie doesn't like ya'."

his friend scoffed. "still can't believe it can even be that close to you. if i were it, i'd fucking kill myself 'cause of your stank."

"jealousy isn't a good look on ya', rinnie."

by now they were at the stranger's door, which suna politely gave a knock, and within seconds, it opened.

and it was her striped blonde hair that gave her identity away─she was the girl from the store. atsumu was sure of it. the only difference was that the ends of the blonde were red.

"holy fuck, suna?" a hand covered her mouth as she found herself laughing. "no fucking way."

they knew each other?

suna gave her an awkward smile.

"chihiro, hey. yeah we─uh, found meowy."

taking that as his cue, atsumu reluctantly returned the cat back to its rightful owner. their fingers brushed one another's at the exchange.

"he was roaming around the fire station, a couple of block down."

chihiro squealed with joy, rocking meowy to and fro in the air before putting him down somewhere in her dorm. she scolded him for his escape but returned to the door with a grin. "thank you so much, you two. i don't know how i will ever repay you guys. like, i don't know what i would do if he couldn't be found."

"it's no problem, just glad meowy's safe and sound." atsumu felt weird just standing and watching suna and her converse─he felt left out.

"and i'm thanking you again. fuck, suna, i really gotta stop owing you," she laughed again. "can you just fuck up once so i can be your savior?"

suna chuckled, subconsciously turning to atsumu who stiffly smiled. as if suddenly remembering that they how were not properly introduced, he motioned to the fake blondes. "oh right, sorry. this is miya atsumu. you met his brother at the library, remember?"

her eyes narrowed, trying to recall the meeting. "with the silver hair?"


she pointed to atsumu with a grin creeping on her feature. "we met at the store, right? bleach boy?"

atsumu nodded excitedly; she remembered him. "yeah!"

"saito chihiro, nice to meet you." they shook hands.

"pleasure! so how did the two a' ya' meet?"

suna answered. "she sits next to me in my english class and her stomach was growling fucking loud as shit, so i offered her a granola bar."

he blinked. "she's the one that ya' gave my granola bar to?"

"dude, don't even. i told you i would give you something before practice─"

"my vanilla an' almond bar!"

chihiro snorted and they both turned to her. "you guys bicker like me and tetsuro."

"who, kuroo?" she's close to him like that?

she nodded.

"y'know," atsumu commented, "it's so fucking weird how we have such many mutual friends and we've never met you yet. an' you an' suna are in the same class and he found ya' cat and shit. an' we met in that lil store! like talk about what a small world it is."

suna rolled his eyes and started tugging atsumu along. "alright, corny, we gotta get a move on."

"well it was nice meeting you, miya, and it was nice to see you again too, suna."

"mm, see you tomorrow, chihiro."

she returned the farewell.

"see ya'!" atsumu chimed.

and with that door closed and the two walked back to their own dorms.

"'see you tomorrow'," the blonde mocked. "ya' got a date with 'er or whatever?"

"no dumbass, we have class."

"and are ya' gonna give 'er my food again?"

"if you keep acting like a dick, yeah i will."

knowing that they only had class together made atsumu all the more content, and he didn't know why.

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