Chapter 7.6: Leave her, Rose. Don't hurt her.

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As Hyejin tried to wriggle free from Jake's grasp, she managed to slip out of his grip

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As Hyejin tried to wriggle free from Jake's grasp, she managed to slip out of his grip. She attempted to run away, but before she could get far, Rose and Yunjin, who had been listening nearby, caught up to her. Rose, with anger in her eyes, slapped Hyejin across the face.

Rose: (furiously) "You think you can just walk away after what you've done to Y/n? You're not going anywhere until you face the consequences of your actions."

Hyejin: (angry) "What the hell!! Who are you and how dare you to slap me?"

Hyejin raised her hand, anger flashing in her eyes, but Yunjin quickly stepped in, holding her wrist firmly.

Yunjin: (firmly) "How dare you?! How dare you hurt Y/n like that? She trusted you, and you betrayed her in the worst way possible!"

Hyejin: "Who are you to interfere? This is none of your business."

Rose: (calmly) " It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is what you did to Y/n and It is totally our business."

Yunjin: (stepping forward) "We may be strangers to you, but we know Y/n."

Hyejin tried to push Rose, but Rose reacted quickly and pushed her back with more force. Hyejin stumbled and fell to the ground, a look of shock on her face as she landed with a thud.

Rose knelt down to Hyejin's level, shaking her head slowly, a mocking smile playing on her lips. She looked down at Hyejin, her eyes cold with contempt.

Rose: (smirk) "Tsk tsk tsk, do you think you can run away so easily? At least let me make you taste your own medicine baby."

Rose again raised her hand in the air to slap and Hyejin closed her eyes waiting for it. However, Jay hinted Jake to intervened and stopped her.

Jake: (interrupting Rose) "Leave her, Rose. Don't hurt her."

Rose: (confused) "But why? I want to take revenge for Y/n"

Jay: (cold) "Because we shouldn't stoop as low as her rose. (to Hyejin) You think hurting Y/n was the answer? You think that's how you prove your worth? No, Hyejin. That's not how it works. Real strength comes from lifting others up, not tearing them down. You have a lot to learn about what it means to be a decent human being."

Hyejin: (smirk) "You think you can do anything to me? I have my ways to take revenge on every one of you and your dear Y/n."

Jake: (scoffs) "Oh, the video drama again? Well, if you still don't know, Sujin and Jiyeon are already paying for their sins, and you will not be spared either."

Hyejin: (her smile started fading) "What? How? Isn't Y/n supposed to keep her mouth shut? And why didn't Sujin or Bomi tell me about this?"

Yunjin: (chuckle) "How could they explain it, after the humiliation they faced? Besides, Bomi's phone, the only device containing the video you used to blackmail Y/n, is with us."

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