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You: park seon-jo  ( You are the main character, you like music, science (especially math) and you are very pretty)

Your friend: Kim jin-jo (She is funny friend, every time you ask her something she make funny face...even in serious situations)

Your enemy: Lee ji-jo (She is toxic, she doesn't have any friends but she still thinks anyone like, she only bully everyone,how would they like her...but still she have her little gang:
-Lee Ji-soo (You don't know why but some people in shool ship them...maybe because they act weird...but never mind)
-Un soyeon (She is one who really can like her, but..who knows)
-Eun chin sun (silent girl)

Now boys:
Much boys in your class are cool but there is some who are stupid and stubborn:

-Du chin-mae  (he is your friend and other boys friend)
-Kah kyu bong (he is hot but you don't like him, for you he is just...heandsome but...much people are right? So that doesn't mean you love him cause you don'
-Ryoung Jii (He is silent no one like him, he is poor so because of it.)

And finally...That one weird girl...

Lee ji-ki ( one know anything about her except that she is cold...much people thinks that she has something nice or not nice to you....)


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