Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 153

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Silently and swiftly, Zach, Jiighual, and Andhur executed their plan to incapacitate the bandits, employing precise rear naked chokeholds to render them unconscious. With the aid of the enveloping smoke, their movements went undetected, allowing them to swiftly neutralize each threat without alerting the others.

"That's the last one," Zach whispered, a hint of satisfaction in his voice as he subdued the final bandit.

The village lay shrouded in a blanket of unconscious bodies, their forms hidden from view by the thick smoke that veiled the surroundings.

"And done," Andhur remarked, impressed by the efficiency of their operation.

"But our work is far from over. We need to locate their leader and ensure the safety of the villagers," Zach replied, his tone resolute as he emphasized the urgency of their mission.

"Lead the way, Captain," Jiighual affirmed, his readiness evident as he prepared to follow Zach's lead.

As they stealthily made their way through the village, their senses heightened, alert for any signs of danger. The town hall loomed ahead, a hub of activity where the bandits held the villagers captive.

Inside, Thorne, the bandit leader, voiced his frustration at the unexpected obstacle posed by the smoke bomb. His irritation was palpable as he grumbled about the added difficulty of locating their targets amidst the swirling clouds of smoke.

Unseen and unheard, Zach, Jiighual, and Andhur eavesdropped on Thorne's conversation, their determination growing with each passing moment. They knew that confronting the bandit leader would be their greatest challenge yet, but they were prepared to face whatever obstacles stood in their way.

With a silent nod of agreement, they steeled themselves for the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead, their resolve unshakeable as they braced themselves for the battle to come.

"Tsk! A smoke bomb, really?!" Thorne grumbled under his breath, his frustration evident as he surveyed the obscured surroundings. "Didn't see that coming. Now I've got to hunt them down in this fog."

With a swift and decisive motion, Thorne seized his broadsword and plunged it into the chests of three nearby villagers. Then, wielding his weapon with menacing force, he swung it in sweeping arcs to disperse the fog within the town hall, revealing the terrified faces of the remaining villagers.

"Ho ho ho! Look at you all, trembling like leaves in the wind! HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Thorne's laughter rang out, filled with a cruel mockery as he surveyed the cowering villagers. "Pathetic! Absolutely pathetic! You should join me in laughter at your own sorry selves! HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

With a sudden and brutal display of strength, Thorne slammed one villager to the ground, his tone turning menacing as he demanded answers. "Where are they?! Did you see them?! Tell me, or face the consequences!"

The villagers watched in horror as the man, pinned beneath Thorne's formidable frame, cried out for help. "Someone, please help me!"

"Speak, or suffer the consequences! WHERE ARE THEY?!" Thorne's voice thundered, his eyes ablaze with a fierce determination to extract the information he sought.

In a sudden turn of events, a commanding voice echoed through the town hall, capturing the attention of everyone within.

"That's enough!" Zach's voice boomed, cutting through the tension like a knife.

With determined strides, Zach entered the hall, flanked by Jiighual and Andhur, both wearing expressions of fierce determination. As they followed their captain, their faces mirrored his own, etched with anger and resolve.

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