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The girl was a nervous wreck

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The girl was a nervous wreck. Her pupils were shaking, her hand trembled. The clock on top of the door was ticking maddeningly, she hoped for this torment to end. She felt like a prey while everyone in this class were watching her every step, waiting for her to slip and do something embarrassing so they had a reason to stare. To bare their teeth.

She couldn't believe it either. She was back. Back to school, the place she swore herself to never return to.

"Please return to your seats."

It was loud a moment ago, but examination atmosphere immediately took over the small, crowded classroom as the adult handed out a folded sheet of paper for each desk.

Ji gulped, nervousness written all over her face. Yes, she was prepared. She studied, she watched explanation videos and revised everything she could. But she was still anxious. She knew it was impossible to get a good grade, she missed too much school for that. But Ji simply hoped for a grade that was enough to make her seem like she was alright.
Enough to keep the youth-welfare center at bay.
And enough to make Jungwon proud.

She just wanted to get enough of a grade. She prayed.

"You have the next two hours to finish this exam. Good luck, everyone!"

This caused Ji to snap out of her mind, bringing her back to the cruel reality she was in. Everybody was already writing. In the corner of her eye she noticed the teacher, not her previous homeroom teacher she dishearteningly noticed, stare at her.

Everybody was writing excessively. Except for the girl in front of our protagonist. Ji didn't know her name. She didn't anyone in this class - maybe it was for the best. The other had long black hair and seemed a little too nervous as she kept glancing to the left and to the right, rummaging inside her pencil case.

Watching her figure, Ji curiously raised an eyebrow.

That's when the nameless girl in front dropped a small piece of paper, making Ji gasp quietly to herself.

It can't be.
Ji's eyes widened as she remembered her teacher's words, "Those that are caught cheating have their scores invalidated in accordance with the regulations."

Closely staring at the paper, Ji was able to decipher what was written on it. It was indeed a cheat sheet.

Immediately she started panicking, looking around ferociously as if it was herself that dropped the cheat sheet. She noticed the nameless girl inconspicuously turning around with anxious eyes to see how far away the paper was, accidentally meeting Ji's eyes.

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