SIXTEEN, rusty

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Chapter Sixteen──(Rusty)

by the time class was over, chihiro felt as though her brain had melted into a thick puddle and was oozing out of her ears. she would have to ask a friend or someone for notes to see if they had any better of a grasp at the topic.

she huffed in annoyance and sluggishly joined the students that poured out of the lecture hall.

"hey chihiro!"

she lazily turned her head, craning her neck behind her.

and it was suna─her phone was in his hands with its charms dangling in the air. "chihiro, your phone!"

"oh right," she mumbled, although she was almost positive that he couldn't even hear her from there.

she stalled in her tracks and waited for her friend to catch up.

"thanks, suna." said chihiro, stuffing her phone in her back pocket.

"you, okay?"

she hummed in response. "this fucking lecture killed me. i might sneak around asking for notes 'cause i don't think i can even read mine."

suna laughed. "i can send you my notes. i don't mind, really."

the young woman snorted and playfully punched his shoulder. he strayed away from her but soon returned by her side. "i told you, dude, stop owing me! it makes me look like i'm just using you."

"you're not using me if i'm always offering," he countered. 

"but it feels weird! i feel like i need to owe you something!"

"if you feel like you owe me, you should be on my team on sunday, then." he froze and narrowed his eyes. "oh shit, wait─bokuto tell you about─?"

"about the rec volleyball and lunch after?"

"yeah, you coming?"

"mhm. but if we're on the same team, im sorry in advance. i'm rusty as shit."

"you play?"

"played," she corrected him. " i played all three years of high school. i was a setter my first year but a libero in second and third year. we even managed to get to nationals my second and third year too."

"nationals twice? fuck, dude. where'd you go?"

"nekoma high with tetsu and kenma."

"i always heard the nekoma girls team had an amazing defense─" it was his turn to playful shove her. "─but i guess that it was just all you, chihiro."

"no need for the flattery, suna. that was years ago and i haven't been on the court since."

"trust me, on sunday, you'll do just fine. the team'll be me, you, atsumu, and sakusa─you know sakusa, no?"

"well, i know of him, y'know?"

he shrugged. "understandable. he's kinda like you, in the sense that you both like keeping your circles small."

"well i'm sure that he's very grateful to have someone as nice as you in their circle."

they shared a coy smile. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE, im so sorry for the shorter chapter. im js tryna get everything moving forwards a lil quicker since tsumu and hiro have met alr but i dont wanna force anything too fast. also i rlly hope this chapter is alr. its v dialogue driven which im not very used to however, we do get a lil peek of hiros background. so we win some, we lose some i guess. anyways thank you so much for all the reads !! im glad everyone is enjoying my self indulgence LOLOLL

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