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"If you had this much issue that you had to pose in front of everyone that you are hurting me then why do you even accept me as your wife? Maybe it would have been easier for you if you wouldn't have done that. Maybe we could have lived as two strangers and by this way, you wouldn't have to make a show of being a bad husband to irk Tashfeen Papa," she asserted, feeling strange because of her own words.

He leaned near her, stretching his both arms on the mattress across her. This action got her trapped between Huzaifa's strong and muscular bare arms. "I am a realistic person. Don't expect me to pull any bullshit of those fictional men who don't want to claim what's theirs because they were arranged in a marriage by their families. You are my wife and I promised you that I will give you your rights. I can't ruin your life just because of some twisted mindsets."

She jutted her neck up to meet his gaze. "Isn't your actions contradicting your words? You want to pose exactly as those husbands who you just described, in front of your family."

He grinned and stroked her cheek sensually. "Sometimes it is necessary to follow something you don't like, Unaiza. Do you think if any day they would get to know that we are kissing and doing many other stuff, I would get what I want to achieve? Mr. Tashfeen would think of it as his victory that I accepted you. I still remember those words he kept on saying about me and I can't forget them at all till I die."

She pulled her face away from his finger. "My question stays; why even do that in the first place? You have other options. You can just marry anyone and I wouldn't be able to say anything because I agreed to this. Why specifically use my like that? I won't let you use me to irk my saviors, Huzaifa. It's because of them after Allah that I am who I am today. I always did what you wanted but not now. Maybe you can just go and marry anyone else. Or maybe...maybe end our marriage because that's the best for everyone. We can go our separate ways. I won't let myself become a way to irk Tashfeen Papa."

He placed his thumb and index finger under her chin and lifted her face. His eyes were burning with fury as he slammed his lips against hers. That was so unexpected for Unaiza as she couldn't even react and he already claimed her mouth, making a moan slip from her tongue.

As his habit, he paused the kiss and murmured against her lips. "You are mine, Unaiza. I never leave what's mine." He ran his thumb over her lower lip. "Only I have a damn right to kiss your lips." His digit moved over to her chin and throat. "Only I have a right to touch you and claim you as mine. Do you understand?"

She swallowed thickly but nodded anyway. She never saw Huzaifa like that. It felt nice seeing him this possessive for her and it acted exactly how it should act on her heart. But this at the same time made her sad. He wanted to keep her all to himself but he expected her to share him with any other woman. However, she couldn't argue here because she herself submitted to this fate.

Her Step Husband ✓Where stories live. Discover now