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Seeing the tears in her eyes, he froze in his position. Softly cupping the side of her face, he wiped her tears as well. Unaiza tried to move away from his touch because she didn't want him to see her crying but he didn't let her do so.

"Why are you crying? That's just a rain," he enlightened her.

"I am not crying. It's just..." She stopped finding no accurate answer hitting her mind.

She finally moved away from Huzaifa's embrace and straightened, staring at the ceiling which was looking more weird due to dull light. Her body screamed inwardly in protest at the loss of his warmth, feel, and protection but maybe it was well enough now. He shouldn't know about her traumas. She didn't want to make herself more vulnerable around him than she already was. If he knew that she was scared of darkness and couldn't sleep alone because of her past wounds, she didn't know how would she react. The bad childhood had made her very emotional and she couldn't put her trust in sharing that with everyone. This only included Aqia and Nisha. And sometimes Haider. Huzaifa just knew that she came here because of her parent's death and the brutality of her stepmother. He didn't know any description of the hell that broke over her there as he was of the same age as her. Even though she loved Huzaifa, however, she didn't want to come to be so seen through in front of him.

Unaiza wiped her cheeks and took a deep breath to calm herself down. The past was gone and its terrors should also be forgotten by now. But it was easier to say than do.

"We could have kept a light on if you would have told me. When will you stop thinking of me so insensitive and cruel?" Huzaifa complained.

She turned around to stare at his utterly relaxed face. "It's not like that. You have a habit of sleeping in darkness. Most people found it more comforting to sleep. I may be an exception but I don't want to make things difficult for you. It's just that the rain made me apprehensive. I am fine now."

Huzaifa kept on looking at her without saying a word before she heard the rustling of sheets and within a moment, he was on top of her. His upper body was bare as he wasn't wearing any shirt. Huzaifa buried his both hands on the pillow beside her head. She gulped as his scent hovered in her senses and the way the muscles of his chest and arms moved. Glorious and handsome. Stunning. Her eyes widened and wrinkled his brows as he caught a sight of the dried marks of tears on her cheeks.

"You are my wife, Unaiza. A couple needs to work on their relationship which can suit them both. If you keep on thinking about everyone, even you will forget what you want. And I won't let you do that. You are a living, breathing human being, not a paper doll. Everyone including yourself should know this," he told her.

She smirked in sarcasm. "My say doesn't matter, Huzaifa. I need to be extra cautious around everyone because I have nowhere else to go. I know you guys consider me a family but there's a limit to everything and I won't cross that limit."

Her Step Husband ✓Where stories live. Discover now