Part 1: Covid 19

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News update: it is now safe to go out but if you do don't forget your mask and stay 6ft apart from each other. We will do our best to get through this difficult time.

Rain: I can't believe this is happening? Is it the end of the world

Rain calls her mom on the phone

Rain: hey mom.. yeah I just got done watching the news. Yea I'm fine . I just have to go out and get some groceries. I'll be fine, I'll call you once I get back. Love you.

Rain walks to the neareast  store  **Pittsburgh Pa**

Rain: okay that's it , thanks sir have a good day.

She gets back to her apartment building. The elevator is broke so she takes the steps to the second floor. The eggs start to leak and she doesn't notice until her feet start to slip off the step.. she falls and hits her head on the hard concrete step. The neighbor instantly comes to her rescue, he says:   

"ma'am ma'am can you hear me?! Can you respond!?

Rain is unresponsive..  .The ambulance shows up and takes her to the local hospital. 

Doctor: Hello Ms Wallace, it appears that your daughter had suffered a traumatic brain injury and has fallen into a deep coma. I am not sure when she will wake. We will continue to run tests on her and we will take care of your daughter. You are more than welcome to stay with her if you'd like for tonight. But please I can understand that this is very stressful. I'd advise you to get some rest.

Rains mother cries in the doctors arms, she is devastated. 

Ms Wallace: is this my fault , am I gonna lose her like I lost her father years ago? I can't lose my baby she's all I have.

Doctor: please Ms. Wallace follow me.

 Ms Wallace gives Rain a kiss on the forehead "please wake up soon honey", she says. 

The doctor motions her out of the room..

Until She WakesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin