Chapter 12- The beginning of the end

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I couldn't contain the happiness I'm feeling right now, I know he said he'll give it a try so I'll do everything I can to win his heart. It's Do or Die!

It's Monday morning and we finally hired a chef/cook however you call it but still I can make something as meekly as breakfast right so I told her to come every weekday at 8:00am I can handle weekends.

Azeez suggested that I go back to work but I'm still thinking about it maybe I will rather be a housewife

I made a quick sandwich and packed it in fay's lunchbox and also packed some for Azeez with a strawberry milkshake. Azeez has a meeting as early as 8 so he'll be leaving together with fay and drop her since her school is still on his way.

Done done done! And did I forget to mention I'm moving to Azeez's room today.

Yeah you heard that Right!

"Mummy! I'm done" She said running down the stairs will she ever listen and stop running down the stairs.

Come and eat breakfast, I'll just go and check on your Dad Okay?

She nodded and I headed upstairs to his room and he's lying down peacefully on the Bed and from the towel he still has on his body, it's either he just had his bath and kied down or was about to.

"Azeez!" I tapped him


"Wake up, it's 7:10 already remember you have a meeting today, remember?"

And it rang a bell because he opened his eyes.

"Ouch! I didn't forget I just lied down for a 10 minute Nap"

"Well yeah, stand up and get ready "

"Don't worry I took my bath already "

And I went back to the kitchen, 20 minutes and he was down.

"Little fay, let's go okay?"

I knew he won't wait and eat especially now that's 7:30 already, I handed over the packed sandwich and bid both of them goodbye

"Alhamdulillah" I managed to mutter while collapsing on the living room couch when my phone rang, it was beela

I sighed, it was long since I communicated with my friends because with everything that happened in the past few months.

I picked up the call and it was exactly what I expected, she started ranting

" Haba Amarsu because you have a husband every other person is not a human being"

"Beela it's not like that"

"Shhhh.... I don't want your excuses later sumy, nanah and I are coming to visit uninvited I suppose but hakanan zamuzo"

"No, you are invited guys I'm sorry but I promise I'll make it up to you guys sae kunzo"

"Yen yen yen keep delish for us, see ya" And with that she hanged up.

I decided to watch a bit and it's a new episode of my favorite reality show Vanderpump Rules.

I watched till 9:00am and I was about to stand up when I heard the cook's voice

"Assalamualaikum, Good Morning"

"Wa alaikumus salam, Morning Nafeesah!"

She smiled and headed to the kitchen before she removed her hijab, the maids have swept, and done all the other household chores, the only work she does is in the kitchen.

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