Chapter 1: Set in stone?

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The rain pelted the windowpane in a rhythmic cadence, a steady beat that matched the heavy thud of Nagamine Masaaki's heart. He sat alone in his dimly lit apartment, the soft glow of the lamp casting long shadows across the room. It had been eight years since Kaya Miki vanished without a trace, and yet, her memory lingered like an unshakeable ghost.

Masaaki stared at the photograph on his desk, a snapshot frozen in time—a moment of laughter and sunlight captured before everything changed. In the picture, Kaya stood beside him, her eyes bright and full of mischief, her smile infectious as she teased him about something trivial. How he longed to hear that laughter again, to feel the warmth of her presence beside him.

But reality was cruel, and Kaya was gone.

A knock at the door jolted Masaaki from his reverie, and he hesitated for a moment before rising from his chair. Who could it be at this hour, in the midst of a storm? With cautious steps, he crossed the room and peered through the peephole, his heart skipping a beat when he saw a familiar figure standing in the hallway.

It couldn't be.

Masaaki's hands trembled as he reached for the doorknob, his breath catching in his throat as he swung the door open. And there she was, standing before him, drenched from head to toe, yet unmistakably alive.

"Kaya?" he whispered, disbelief coloring his voice.

But the figure before him remained silent, her expression inscrutable as she stared back at him with dark, unreadable eyes. Masaaki's mind raced with a thousand questions, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. Was this a dream? A hallucination born from years of grief and longing?

Before he could find the words to speak, the figure turned and vanished into the darkness, leaving Masaaki standing alone in the doorway, his fingers trembling with uncertainty.

Had he imagined it, or had Kaya truly returned from the shadows?

As the storm raged on outside, Masaaki was left with only the echoes of the past, haunting him like a melody he could never forget.

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