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I find myself constantly looking out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, even if just for a moment.

Though I don't even know what he thinks about me. I think he already forgot about me.

But I can't stop thinking about him.

And also I haven't seen Jimin in uni.

What happened to both of them.

It's mysterious though. Isn't it?

And I also have been feeling stronger than before. The first signs started a few weeks ago - a sudden aversion to bright lights, an unusual craving for rare meat, and an insatiable urge to run and explore the woods near my home.

At first, I brushed it off. But as the days passed, the changes became more pronounced. My senses grew sharper, my reflexes quickened, and I began to feel a restless energy coursing through my veins, begging to be unleashed.

I searched a lot about vampires and werewolves lately. They said they are only mythical creatures.

But I have seen them in real. And I am turning into one of ...them.

I also acknowledged that I will turn into a fully werewolf on a night of full moon.

And the night is today...


Here I am in the jungle though Jungkook warned me not to come here. But it's about 4 hours from now to rise the full moon.

I came here to explore deeper. And if I ...get to see him again. My heart ached to see him again.

I sighed.

I walk past that creepy house where I saw Jungkook for the first time in real.

To tell the truth I have seen him in my dreams a lot before I saw him in real.

I kept walking and walking. The deeper I was going the more mysterious it was getting.

As I pushed forward, the atmosphere grew increasingly ominous. The shadows seemed to shift and morph, and an unsettling silence permeated the air. It was then that I recognized the signs - I had strayed into demon territory.

My heart raced as I heard the distant sound of movement. Panic gripped me as several menacing figures emerged from the gloom, their glowing eyes and twisted features sending a shiver down my spine. I knew I was no match for these demonic creatures.

They approached me slowly, their long, clawed fingers reaching out to seize me. I tried to run, but their movements were too fast, and within moments, I found myself ensnared in their grasp.


"You are the one entered our territory." One of them said.

Struggling was futile as they dragged me deeper into their domain, my cries for help swallowed by the eerie silence of the jungle.

As I was pulled further away from the path I had taken.

"Please let me go- " I spoke as one of them hit my head and my surroundings went black.

To be continued....

Votes and comments are appreciated.

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