Chapter 1

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Info here - So if you come from my tiktoks, you may know that I had to add a lot of tw due to a backstory I'm building, and this is it. This is so you, the redder, migth understand Derek's action in future chapters. Note that this is all my fiction and not canon. The tw will be Mentions of:
S3xu@l @buse
Verb@l @buse
physic@l @buse
$3lf h4rm
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This will be set in Derek's perspective.

2008 May 11th.

As I walk home, my head gets filled with a bussload of tougths. I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
I think im bisexual? People at school have been talking about it, and when I searched it up one day, I noticed that's kinda what I'm feeling? I'm not sure, I mean. I like girls, but I also like boys? Or, I like a boy. It's been 2 years now, and it's just so strange. I doubt he likes me back. Honestly, he's never showed me any interest in that way. And plus, he's only ever had girlfriends.
But I like the feeling I get of him. It's something I haven't really felt with girls. But the girls I liked were only small pre-school crushes.
I wanna tell someone what I feel, but my parents would definitely not like this.
Holy shit I have no idea what would happen to me, but nothing good. I don't like thinking about it, but my parents are abusive. My mom, well.
I don't know if it's abuse, but she like, touches me? It's uncomfortable, but when I tell her to stop, she says she's not doing anything. She touches me right above my butt and is really high up on my legs.
It's so uncomfortable, but she keeps telling me it's fine. And then there's my dad. He well, uhm. He hits me, I never tell anyone about this. Or else everything is just gonna get worse. I don't take vaccines at school cause my dad is afraid my bruises are gonna show. I'm not allowed to wear shorts or T-shirts, which is a hassle during summer, but I live. My dad is an alcoholic, surprising. Both my parents smoke, I've gotten used to the smell by now. My parents don't understand sexualties and stuff. They are immediately gonna think im gay. And who knows what's gonna happen to me.

I'm the mistake child of 4 children, I'm an outcast. I wasn't supposed to be born. My parents didn't have enough protection, I guess. I'm 15 years old, I have 1 sister and two twin brothers. Their named are Desra, James and Jack. Desra is 16, and my twin brothers are 17. We all attend the same big school. It's a rather small town. I'm closest to Desra, I mean. She's nicer than the other two.
Then a thougth appears, maybe I should tell her-? I mean, she won't tell, right? I mean, she's not that mean, and she doesn't make fun of me. I start sprinting home, I can't wait. I need to tell someone.

As I walk through the frond door, I quickly go up to my sisters room. I knock on the door.

"Come in!" Desra yelled.
I opened the door.
"Derek? What is it." She looked at me, holding her pink telephone.
"I um, can I tell you something? I mean, you know a lot about feelings and stuff."
I stand by the door nervously.

"Has my brother got a crush? Tell!"

I close the door and sit down on the floor. I take a quick breath.

"Desra, I think im bisexual."
She turns slightly pale and looks at me shocked.

"What, explain." She laughed nervously.

"Well, I like girls... and boys? I think I like my best friend, Trevor at the moment... is that alrigth-?" I look at her stressed. This was a mistake.

"Oh, yeah. That's fine. Was that all?"
I stare at her, shocked. She's never this understanding.

"Uhm, yeah. That's all, I'm gonna do my homework."
I stand up and leave the room. Was that it? No more questions? I mean, it's better than nothing at least. I go in my room and start doing my homework, before I check the time, 03:00 PM.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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