PART 16 🦋

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"You missed me, Professor?"

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"You missed me, Professor?"

"Miss Kim, bringing a bike inside the hotel is against the rules," Professor Lee scolded, her tone firm as she addressed Jennie.

Jennie, however, seemed unfazed by the reprimand, her attitude reflecting her privileged status as the daughter of one of the wealthiest individuals in the country. With a nonchalant shrug, she retorted,

"Rules are meant to be broken, aren't they, Professor?"The response earned a few chuckles from some of the students, while others shifted uncomfortably in their seats, wary of Jennie's bold defiance.

Professor Lee's expression remained stern as she responded, "Regardless of your status, Miss Kim, rules apply to everyone. Please refrain from such behavior in the future."

Jennie's lips curled into a sly smirk as she glanced around the room, her eyes filled with arrogance. "I'll keep that in mind, Professor," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

The response elicited a collective sigh from the students, who exchanged knowing glances. Jennie was notorious for her entitled behavior, and her disregard for authority only fueled her reputation further.Ignoring Jennie's attitude, Professor Lee continued with the announcements, though her expression remained stern.

As Jennie felt someone's arms encircle her from behind,....Before he could even utter a word, Jennie swiftly grabbed his hand and twisted it, causing him to wince in pain."Ah, ahhh, it's me, Nini, Jay," he managed to gasp out, hoping to ease her grip.

Jennie's eyes narrowed as she recognized Jay, but she didn't release her hold right away. "What do you want, Jay?" she asked, her tone laced with annoyance.

Jay winced again but tried to maintain his composure. "I just wanted to let you know that we're on the same team," he replied, his voice strained.Jennie scoffed, finally releasing his hand but shooting him a cold glare. "Like I care," she retorted, crossing her arms defiantly.

As Jay sighed and walked away, Jennie's gaze lingered on him for a moment before she turned her attention back to the group.

Jennie's steps were purposeful as she made her way towards Zara, her eyes narrowed in scrutiny. Zara met her gaze with a calm expression, her veil concealing any hint of emotion."Who are you?" Jennie's voice was sharp as she stopped in front of Zara, looking her up and down with disdain.

Zara remained composed, meeting Jennie's gaze evenly. "I'm Zara, fatima" she replied simply, her tone neutral.

Jennie's lip curled into a sneer. "Well, Zara, you better learn your place. I don't tolerate competition," she said, her words laced with a thinly veiled threat.Zara didn't flinch, maintaining her composure despite Jennie's hostile tone. "I'm not here to compete with anyone," she stated calmly, her voice unwavering.

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