Chapter Thirty-Three: Breathe Life

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I clink my fruity mocktail with Von and Zain's alcoholic beverages. The midday sun shows its ass for my birthday, casting its rays on us as we lounge on a private rooftop bar. Though I'm not getting twisted as I sip, I'm on a high. Nothing cures a bad mood like being with my niggas. I missed them.

"So, you and Keke are for real dating? This ain't a stupid prank?" I ask, smirking doubtfully at Zain.

We may have been states apart, but we text religiously in the group chat. I'm supposed to believe this blabber-mouth motherfucker kept their girlfriend a secret? It could explain why Zain hasn't entertained us with their random hoe adventures lately. I figured the WNBA season had their mental occupied. Whole time, this nigga has been cuffed by our mutual best friend.

"My nigga, I'm tied down," Zain stresses, running their palm over their freshly dyed curls. They've gone for a platinum blonde this go-around. "I know it sounds crazy, but Kerani fortifies me." They smile tenderly as they confess their admiration, tracing their fingertip around the edge of their glass.

"Shit, that pussy's about to motivate you into getting your first MVP," I snicker. "She got you scoring 31 points per game with 10 rebounds."

"Chill," Zain says, dragging the word as their smile brightens. "She's been holding me down like none other. Most women I give a chance want me to only cater to them. We have a balance. After games, she rubs my feet, puts on my durag, and lets me sleep on her titties."

I cackle at how dreamy and in love this nigga sounds. "Mane, it's rare to see you seriously feeling a shorty, but I'm glad you and Keke are happy."

"Wait until you see them together," Von says, shaking his head. "Shit's trippy. It's like being transported into an alternate universe."

"Speaking of relationships," Zain slides in. "So, you and Ci are cool?"

The strawberries in my virgin margarita slushie burst with sweetness as they melt on my tongue. "We gon' figure it out, mane," I say, shrugging. "That's my woman. I'ma stick beside her. Fuck what folks think. We're the ones smacking our pussies together at the end of the night."

Von bursts into laughter, causing his mojito to spray out of his nose. "Smacking pussies?! Dawg?!"

"If you had a pussy, you'd be rubbing that motherfucker against Yeli's!" I shout, looking at Zain for a witness.

"Aye, it takes a minute to get it right, but once you've aligned the clits..." Zain dramatically convulses. "Ain't nothing like it!"

"Bruh, y'all are wild," Von says as he wipes his nose with a napkin. He blinks and swipes at his tears of mirth. "So, that means you're getting birthday coochie tonight, Mel?"

"Shit, to be honest," I say, rubbing my hands in a circular motion. "Hell nah."

Von and Zain smack their lips together simultaneously and stare at each other with the "this nigga's lying" face.

"I'm so serious!" I defend, raising my hands. "I'm still upset with her. I can't help it. It's gonna take a while for the storm to completely pass. I honestly won't feel 100% until I find Syd and drop her ass. All my pent-up aggression has nowhere to go. If I fuck Ci, I'd probably tear her ass in half."

"Rip her ass to shreds then, nigga!" Zain coaches, looking at me as if I'm dumb. "She'll probably like that freak ass shit. Pop your toe in her mouth and command, 'Suck it, bitch. Slither your tongue under my big toenail, hoe, and act like you know something!'"

"That's what Keke be doing to you?!" Von howls, struggling to articulate the question through his hilarity.

"Nah, but she puts them juicy ass titties in my mouth. Them nipples my bottles," Zain retorts, cupping the air as they suck on gigantic, invisible boobs. Von rolls his eyes at Zain as I guffaw at their stupidity. "Don't be jealous," Zain says, pointing at Von. "You mad 'cause I got a full-figured woman."

Between Reel and Reality (Lesbian Romance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن