Chapter 15- Family Affairs

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" Don't be startled I came to apologize you, Ive apologized to Azeez and he forgave me and said as for you.

I should ask for your forgiveness personally that's why I'm there.

Nothing more, I promise."

I sighed.

" I forgive you Ahmad, may Allah forgive us" I said sternly

"Won't you invite me in?"

See this guy ooh

"Come in" I offered

I gave him drinks and he kept on apologizing before he finally left.

9 Months Later.

Nafeesah was kicked out after they learn she gives information to Hameedah about them before Hameedah got married but they still can't trust her so they employed another cook.

Alina and Azeez's life was going greatly and they were happy. While Hameedah even became a social media influencer always showing off the luxurious life she led.

She needed something to cherish since Ameer doesn't have her time but he's always crediting her account and as we speak he's not even in the country.

And Alina is pregnant, Nadira comes to visit often because they became really good friends.

"Ahhhhhh!" Alina shouted.

She really needs to go to the hospital, because she thinks it's her labour.

Ameer just returned to the country and Aunt Na'eema gave him something to handout to pregnant Alina.

He wanted giving Ridwan/ Ahmad to deliver it but since he knows Azeez's not home he can just drop it since the house is on his way.

And he found Alina shouting for help.

"Calm down and please hear me out, Aunt Na'eema sent these for you"

She was in pain, she couldn't even hear what he was saying.

"I'll just keep them on your TV stand okay"

"Is it the pregnancy?"

What an obvious question!

He helped her by carrying her and loaded her at the back and rode to the hospital.

"Just hang in there and don't spoil my car.

I don't even have your husband's number"

He called Ridwan and told him then admitted Alina.

He really wanted to leave but he was waiting for Azeez , he was sure Ridwan told him but he didn't see anyone at all.

He tried Ridwan's number again and again but it wasn't reachable, Mama? Baba? Nobody was picking.

He spent the whole day till during three'o clock before she gave birth finally!

But they needed blood for Ali a urgently and that was his blood type, he had no option to donate his blood and after he donated his blood came Azeez.

" Where the fuck were you Man? You wasted my time " Ameer complained

" I'm sorry Man but the traffic in Abuja chose today to fuck up, I trekked here that's why I'm late "

Ameer hissed and left, In 30-minutes time.

Ridwan, Ahmad, Nadira And Mama arrived.

Alina gave birth to a bouncing baby boy.

She loosed alot of blood and Ameer donated his .

They named the child after Alina's father that passed and nicknamed him Ameer.


"Bro, we don't need to be friends because of that okay. Even if it was a stranger I'd still do that, so please don't think I did anything special for you" Ameer said to a thankful Azeez who named his child after Ameer.

Fay was overwhelmed with happiness that she has a baby brother .


" What do you mean it was a mistake, Azeez"

" Yes it was a mistake, I didn't mean to but I'm happy we are having a baby"

"How dare you tell me that what I've been carrying for 9 months is a mistake!"

"Alina, you've been nagging and nagging me that's why I even blurted it out, it wasn't intended but I am not regretting it either way "

"Tell me you love me Azeez"

"Alina, we've talked about that already "

"You are telling me it's a mistake just because I asked if you love me?"

"No you're getting it all wrong, look I'm late for work as it is , it's past 9'o clock I need to go. I can't keep arguing with you "

And he left, he was at work when he received a call from Ridwan.

"I love you Alina" he said to her as he held the baby in his arms.

"I love you too, Azeez "


It was the naming ceremony already.

"What happened Hameedah, it's nine months already?" Aunt Rahina brought her daughter aside and asked.

"Mum, you can forget about having a grandchild. You forced me into this marriage but he doesn't care one bit about me but he even helped Alina today.
Only bad luck follows me, Ameer and I are just married to the world."

"Try and......."

"Mum please enough already, let's just accept our qadr. I'm tired of playing these games" She said and left.

Fay insisted they snap another Portrait since they have a new family member and they snapped to hang it on there parlor.

Alina kept smiling from lip-to-lio, everything is now in place as she watched the portrait in their living room.

During holiday time , they visited Kaduna to greet their Alina's parents and then they sent fay to spend a week at Imran's.

Ameer got married to another woman from instanbul, it was bound to happen.

And everything was going great Alhamdulillah.


Alina thought it was a happy ever after and no obstacle could ever ome their way but you plan and God Plans.

It was two years already, Baby Ameer started learning how to walk and hold the chair for support while working.

When she had a knock on the door, little fay look at Ameer for me and at the mere sight of who was knocking she got startled.

"You? What are you doing here?" And with that Alina fainted.

"Alina! " Azeez shouted as he was coming upstairs.

He rushed to her and the figure standing before him made him dumbstruck.


"Yes, it's me" The person replied before Azeez enveloped the person into a hug forgetting about Alina that was lying there unconscious.


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