Chapter 39 ( Final Showdown )

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Lorraine pov :

I stare at door.....its Monk Tenzai. He step inside the chapel "You think you could defeat lightness to easily?... Look at this sky and clock...its 7:30pm now and your power is not anymore immense as so other event ended now you are as so you are" monk said "Do you think you can defeat me or that time matter?...If there is no eclipse or any event anymore than there is no sun either and don't forget I am creature of darkness...and of course a Superior one. My power is still more than you" he said in anger and malevolence "You mistaken, Lightness doesn't need to see a time to shine brightly. It finds its own way even in darkest of storms" Monk said as I stood up weakly, Ed holds me for support. I look at Ed and nodded "Now this final battle is between you and me, Valak!... face power my faith" monk Tenzai said "And you face my wrath, it will lovely to crush a determined pest like you" He said floating in midair as usual "Everyone get out of here, As far as you can" monk said as we nodded and walk out..

Monk Tenzai pov :

I look at other getting out, As I start spelling powerful chant as he hiss at me angrily "Stop that chant or I will rip your throat" he said in rage "At the name of god, I request universe to punish Valak for his evil deeds, intentions and works" i spell as he laugh "Where the hell universe is?... I am creature of hell and darkness itself, I am greatest of Evils. No one is like me nor ever will be future" he said throwing big pieces of wood on me that was used to make altar cross "I am so excited to see your painful death" he said, his voice and words clear evidence of the evil he is...I keep chanting while using my power of faith and some techniques to hold up a demon. I know that Y/N will reborn and when she will...he will try to haunt her again....I can't kill him....can't erase his memories..... But I can replace them. I use my all power to still him on one place "You monk!...You think this thing will stop me?!..No..Never!!" He growls angrily as I place my finger on his forehead replacing Y/N memories by memories of battle with me and his victims....then I remove my hand and stab him with a holy weapon in chest as his heart and other 13 parts vanish leaving a hollow, scary and gruesome body. He wasn't that much immensely powerful bow but still strong. His body appears to be 6'5 or 6'8, Since without his 13 important and powerful body parts he wasn't capable of taking demon form also. Then I lock him in a valley where nobody lives.....for forever I guess....I hope he will never ever find Y/N again....Now he don't remember Y/N but Me, Lorraine, Ed and Sister Irene only....

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