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"Neil please calm down. You can't just leave everything behind for me. What grandfather said is not false and in the circumstances that we got married, it's obvious that they have issues. I saw how you worked day and night for the company. You can't leave your hardwork behind. I am not worthy of all this sacrifice from you, Neil."

"Shut up Ava. I can happily sacrifice my life for you, let alone my inheritance. I believe money is superficial, it comes and goes. It's my experience that stays. I drew a salary from the company, I have enough savings. I can take care of you and you can take care of me."

"But your family, I don't want to be the reason for the rift between them. They love you and you love them. Why I, an outsider, making you choose among them. It's not fair to them."

"I am not severing my relation with them. They will still be my family and very dear to me. I am just changing my job. I worked for Atkins, now I'll work somewhere else. And Ava I am not doing this for any random girl. I am doing this for my wife. Whom I love with all of my heart. I don't know when it started but Mrs Avaline Atkins, I love you."

"You do? "

"I do."

"I do too. But I'll say it when you convince your sister and grandfather. Work wherever you want, that's your choice. I'll always support you but ask them to bless us. I don't want to be the queen of this empire but I do want to be their daughter in law. So I challenge you Mr. husband, the day your grandfather keeps his hand on my head to bless me and your sister hugs me, I'll confess my feelings to you." Ava said, she added the challenge part to change his mood. He was super angry before.

"Challenge accepted but if I got everything sorted till Monday, I want a bigger reward."

"What would that be? "

"Kiss me in front of Ed."

"You purposely love getting on his nerves. He will kill both of us if I do that."

"Deal or no deal."

"Fine, let's see what tricks you have got."

"Let me give a call to my King of spades. You rest here, I'll be back later." Neil said with a smirk and left the room after kissing Ava's forehead and cheeks.

"Neil it's Ace of Spades. And keep your anger in check." Ava shoutes as he left the room.

Ava was confused about what Neil was up to. And a little scared about the deal. If somehow, Neil won, she knew she was in deep shit. Out of the 12 rules that Ed stated, at least 3 were about no PDA and the other 2 indirectly meant no PDA.

While Neil is making arrangements to win the challenge, let me take you a little back in time. Lets see why grandpa did what he did.

Summer was an introvert girl. She was the life of her family but barely had friends. This one girl who saved her from the goons earned a special place in Summer's good books.

In just two days, she was closer to Summer than any of her friend ever was. Summer treated her like a sister but she instilled the idea of being her sister in law in Summer's mind. She was reluctant at first, knowing her brother won't agree but after some mind games and a sob story later, she thought it was the best idea after the invention of the mobile phones.
She and her friend, even convinced the rest of the family. Everything was set and as per the plan.

The Fool proof plan was now obliterated when she got the news that Neil married another girl. She bawled her eyes out in front of Summer and went as far as sliting her wrist with a butter knife.

Summer couldn't see her friend so broken. She felt guilty and helpless as her brother was the reason for her friend's pain.

On Saturday, Summer wanted to convince Neil about getting a divorce, so she asked him to play carrom with her. But he declined right away. Only to agree at once when Ava asked. She felt jealous so she got back to her room, not wanting to see them all smilling.

Summer was heading to the kitchen when she heard commotion in the game room. She peaked in to see her father, hugging Ava while her mom adoring them. Neil's eyes were shinning with love.

Her heart twisted, witnessing the scene. She felt jealous, insecure and replaceable. She hated how Ava has her parents and brother wrapped around her little finger. She was sure Ava has cast some black magic over her innocent family. She wanted to cry, shout and scream but that wouldn't help her case. She knew one person who would listen to her, understand her and definitely help her.

She was an apple of her grandfather's eyes.
And he would support her no matters what.
She ran to her grandfather's room with tears flowing from her eyes.

Seeing her state, he quickly held her in his arms. Few minutes later when she stopped crying, she narrated everything to her grandfather.

"Don't worry my love, I won't let this marriage drama continue. You just stop crying. I was already doing a background check on her, and I found something. Just wipe your tears and ask the maid to tell everyone to gather in my room after lunch."

Rest is history.

It was dinner time, except for Summer and Grandfather, everyone was settled on the dinning table.

"Ava, I apologize for whatever my father said. Don't worry much, it might take some time but he will come along. Just don't take his words to heart. He is like Neil a hot headed man but with a kind heart."

"You don't have to apologize dad, I understand. I am happy to at least have you and mom with me."

"Ava you are a very brave girl. I had no idea, what all you might have been through but I am proud of you for never giving up."

"You are right Mrs Atkins, my sister is the strongest and the bravest one. She don't believe this yet but we all are proud of her. And now she has got people who are standing right behind her to catch her if she stumbles. We are with her to sing her praises when self doubt clouds her heart. We are here to fight her wars along with her."

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