~Ch. 1~

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Ch. 1 - How Hanami died.

I don't want this.
I don't want this.
I don't want this.

I kept repeating to myself. It's too late now, though. Too late for me. I've already plunged myself over the side of the building's roof, hurling towards the hard, cold ground.

Why did I do this? Only in my few seconds of life did I realize how much I would hurt those around me... That there really was someone who loved me.

I'm sorry mom, dad, sister and the small circle of friends that I have.

I'm glad I met you all.

It's dark. It feels like I'm laying on emptiness. Where am I? Didn't I die? Did I survive the fall?

"Hey, you." A voice said. Who was that? It sounded feminine and kind of high-pitched.

"Yes, you. Get up." The voice said again.

So I tried my best to get up. Figuring I probably wasn't dead, I would be in pretty bad condition. Why are they telling me to move?

"I-I can't feel my body..." I said, and straight after the person grabbed my hand and raised me to my feet. They sure were strong.

"When I ask you to do something, you do it." The voice said, sternly.

"S-sorry..." I said back.

"Alright, kiddo. Listen up. You're dead."


"And quit with that dang stuttering! It's annoying."


"Whatever. Anyways, you committed suicide. What was your reason?"

"I... I'd rather not say..."

"What did I say before? When I ask you to do something, you do it. Now answer me."

I couldn't answer, because I didn't know. My memories were gone. I couldn't remember one thing from when I was alive. Should I make something up? They sound serious...

"I... I..." Suddenly, a strong urge came over me. Telling me to lie.

Make something up! You saw how strong they were didn't you?!They could hurt you if you don't give them a correct answer! The last thing we need is more abuse, right?

No, I know lying is a wrong. The truth always comes first.

"I don't know..." I said.


"I don't recall anything from the time I was living. Not even my own name. I'm sorry-"

"Good job, kiddo. You've passed."


"This was a test." The voice revealed herself. Long black hair down to her knees, blue sparkling eyes and a puffy black dress with glittery grey high heels. She looked like what an angel.

"A... Test?" I said.

"Yup. This was your judgement. You felt a strong urge come to you when you were about to answer truthfully, correct? That was the angel's power overwhelming you. We keep one locked up so they can use their magic to make a human's urge to sin stronger. Well, it looks like you're going to hell!" She said.

"H-hell?" I stuttered. Isn't hell where the bad people go...?

"Isn't hell where the bad people go, you may be asking yourself. Well kiddo, you're very lucky to be going there. Heaven is a whacko house. Just take a deeper look at that angel." She said.

I walked a bit towards the dangling cage the angel was in. I stared at her. Her hair... It was messy and white, strange bugs crawling all over. Her eyes completely black, and it seems so much tears have rolled down her face it left marks on it. Her dress was also torn and dirty, and she had no shoes, her feet black with gunk and mud.

I reach over and feel the metal bars. They're rusty and some flakes fall off. When I stared at the angel again, she was staring back at me.

"Please... Help... Get me out of here..." She whispered.

"Hey kiddo, don't talk to that thing. It might put a spell on you." The demon said.

I quickly jumped away and walked over to the demon. When I took one last glimpse at the angel, her long tongue reached out and licked a bug out her hair as me munched on it, the blue blood streaming down her face.

"...Anyways...Let me give you a tour of your new home. My name is Alex, by the way. I already know your name Hanami, but that won't make me stop calling you 'kiddo', got it?" she said and pulled me into what seems to be a tiny light.

"You just called me Hanami, though." I said almost smiling.

"Heh, I guess I did." She smiled back and chuckled.

I think I might actually enjoy it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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