Wednesday 2/10/2016

18 1 1

I honestly don't know when I will stop procrastinating.

I could very easily just spread out the work I need to do and avoid the huge panic attack that I have whenever I need to turn shit in.

but who in their right mind does that?

honestly if my father didn't work all the time I would probably accomplish a lot more.

right now my daily routine is to wake up, go back to sleep, wake up again, get on slime rancher, take a nap, soak in the bath for 3 hours, stay up till 4am, repeat.

I don't even eat, like I literally forgot to eat food today.

this is why even though I could totally move out of my dads house, I never will.

there would literally be nobody to get me off of my lazy ass.

so I'm going to complain about being attractive for a second so just hold on to your tits.

if you're a female and you're reading this, pay attention.

Especially if you're 13-16 or have the personality of one.

I'm speaking for most guys when I say, when I post photos on social media.

"omg hawt"



"ahhhhh so cute"


and "asfkalskinrfbfjbdhb,"

are not... compliments. I just.

ill get the occasional real, thought out, describing some part of my facial structure, or personality, or hair compliment. but most of them are like that and it kinda confuses me. please don't call me daddy, only my girlfriend can do that.

if you're reading this please comment and explain to me why the hell girls do this?

my room is never clean but I'm a neat freak.

I was thinking about this today and was wondering if any of you out there have the same problem?

I freak the fuck out at literally all messes. except for my room? its an organized mess.

I'm trying to go through my shit and get everything organized but its really not working. I constantly get distracted by other things, like writing. you're distracting me how dare you. so my room is never perfectly clean. but it doesn't bother me.

my girlfriend hates it with a burning passion but I don't.

Guess I'm just used to it being  constant garbage can?

here we go with a completely random thought that was caused by me eating chocolate. have any of you had French truffles? they're so good hot damn.

these truffles are sexier than I will ever be.

in other news I've stopped smoking. ehhhh.

everything is starting to look like a cigarette. I was in the car the other day and the lines on the road looked like a smoke. I'm dying I can't handle this. if i wasn't getting back surgery this summer I would never quit.

I can't even vape? no nicotine for at least 6 months before and after surgery for bone growth and healing reasons.

fuck me.

I don't know, those were just some things I'm currently thinking about. I hope it served as a weird introduction to my personality.


questions, comments, concerns? just wanna say hi? leave them in the comments.

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