Chapter One

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One year before the incident...

"Are you seriously considering this Caitlin?" Said Wesley, checking some older guy out as he walked past us both. Seriously, this dude needs to chill out with his sexual activities before he catches something. Wesley was one of my closest friends. Short, handsome and kind of gross at times. May i add, that he's extremely gay, with a hint of extreme sarcasm.

Wesley often lacked friendliness, which is what i liked about him in the strangest way possible. I liked it because he was completely honest and never disloyal. Not only was he my best friend, he was also like my therapist.

"Yes, for the last time today." I shouted. We were stood outside Aunt Betty's cafe, and no she wasn't my aunt ok, it was just the name of the cafe and lately we had been setting up here. I had never noticed this place before until i ended up grabbing a coffee here with Wesley before college. It had been the only cafe open at that time and considering i don't function properly without caffeine, it had been the only way out.

It had to have been a month ago when we first bought a coffee from this place. Now it was our ritual to come here and say hello to the owner.

Today, i was meeting a girl i met on a dating website called Flicker. It was kind of like Tumblr and tinder put together. Only, it had a little more class and less nudity. She was one of the girls who had contacted me, but only she had the audacity to say hi, rather then 'hey, let's get naughty'. I wasn't really into the whole naughty talk, especially with random chicks online.

Wesley huffed to himself and looked into the cafe. His hands touched the glass as he crouched down, staring through his hands like binoculars as his hood covered the rest of his face. The rain pelted down around us as i held onto my umbrella for dear life. It was already January, the start of a new year.

It had been exactly 262 days since my mother died. Yet, here i am in this tragic pity party for myself. I know it'll get easier as time goes on, but it doesn't mean i'll ever forget her or the way she made those waffles with the little patterns she engraved on them. Or the way she'd shout my name whenever i got home from school and hug me before i ran upstairs to my room. It was as if she knew she was leaving me.

Anyway, the weather was crappy and the people were rude as always. Wesley had somewhere to be and i had a date with some girl i met off that site. She was pretty. I had no idea if she was tall or skinny or even if she was the person she was acting to be. But heck, it was my decision, whether Wesley agreed on it with me or not.

"There's that waiter again, he's so hot." He mumbled, taking his hands off the glass. Once he moved out of the way, i noticed the girl from the website sitting at one of the tables in the cafe, i could see the book in her hands she said she'd bring with her.

"Ok loser, go away, Caitlin has a date to attend to." I said, reaching for the handle of the door, Wesley waved and muttered 'whatever', before walking away. We didn't care much for goodbyes, we just kind of mumble and walk away. It always worked best that way.

Walking into the cafe, i hiked my backpack further onto my shoulder and walked over to the counter. The older woman greeted me as usual and started making my drink. She was this sweet little lady that was always working here. She must of been at least in her forties. The first day i came here, I kind of guessed she was the owner as she had this sense of pride, like she had built this place with her own hands. I was right of course.

I smiled as she rambled on about her day as usual, talking about some old guy who treated her like some robot. It was often i'd come here, just to listen to her rant about the people who were regulars here. Sometimes it'd remind me of my mother, she used to do exactly the same thing.

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