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Staring at him, it was as if the world was closing in on me. I wanted him to stay, I really did. I never had the chance to tell him all that I meant to. At one point, I must have been so sure about all the things I wanted to do with him, and to say to him at that exact moment. But nothing came out of my mouth. My lips stayed sealed and my eyes traced his perfect jawline to his smile, then to his glistening eyes. I warned myself not to get too carried away because we weren’t alone. There were people watching us who would definitely not be happy with how things were to go if I had my way with him. So instead, I dodged his handshake and went straight for a hug. I held him longer than I should have. I closed my eyes for a second and just breathed in deeply, then opened them again and looked up to the high ceiling. I let him go just before things got even more awkward. He just looked at me and smiled once more. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. His smile had already melted me to the core and my mind screamed in a silent whisper words that I would never say, ‘If things were different for us, you would know by now how much I've always loved you.'


Well, this is the prologue of a new story that I’m writing. I guess I’ve been stuck in this hole of one-sided love that I actually have drawn enough inspiration from it to last me a lifetime of stories and books. I do plan to make this story into a short book or novel, for that matter of sounding more professional. The title, ‘jeunesse’ is the French word for ‘youth’ in a more feminine manner. Because I am a young girl, I guess it would relate to me in more ways than one. Be patient with me and this story, because I will be writing it slowly and carefully. And hey, if you guys like the direction in which my work is going, just drop a comment somewhere to tell me what you think!  It really does work as motivation. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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