big bad wolf!

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(y/n) p.o.v
The darkness were everywhere, not a single light to see. It felt like I was walking in circles, it was like I have seen every tree..

My heart began to beat louder and my legs began to hurt, with every single step. The cold air sorrunded me and a shiver ran down my back. A sound from a broken stick echoed through the wood.

I turned around to face two red eyes looking at me. I tried to run, but my legs didn't follow.. I walked faster and faster and when i could feel my legs I began to run.

I ran through the wood, past every tree and stone. I looked over my shoulder to see the eyes right behind me and the next second I was on the ground with the beast over me.

It looked like a wolf, but it was to big to be one. My body began to shake with fear and I screamed. I could feel it's breath at my neck and the next second there was a howl.

I looked up and saw a man standing beside me looking at the wolf. The mans eyes began to glow red and the wolf disaperred. I looked up at the man, with his eyes looking down at me.

His eyes began to turn back to blue and they were beautiful. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. There came a light smile from his lips and i saw a perfect smile.

Derek's p.o.v
I saw her run through the wood with tear full eyes and with that i could smell him. My eyes were locked on her until I saw him standing above her. I ran over standing beside her side and howled, My eyes turn red and my fangs out.

"stay away from her!" i howled to him.

"why should i listen to you!" he snapped at me.

"shut up! you are on my place. So it would be best if ya didn't do anything to my human! understood, peter!?!?" i snapped at him.

He walked away from her and depper into the wood. I pulled my fangs in and returned my eyes to normal.

I looked down at her and smiled lightly. She were so pretty. Her (y/h/c) hair that the moon light was making shine and her deep (y/e/c) eyes were clear and beautiful. I helped her up and began to walk back to my house.

(y/n) p.o.v
I took his hand and he helped my to stand. He began to walk away and I yelled "Hey who are you?".

"The name is Derek Hale" he said and turned around.

"Okay, thanks derek for saving me, but where am I?" I asked and walked over to his side.

"You are in Beacon Hills wood, here follow me" he said and held his hand out.

My hand began to shake 'what if he does something to me, but why did he save me' I thought and took it and we began to walk. His hand were warmer than a humans, but I didn't care. I could see that from the corner of his eyes he were starring at me.

I smiled and began to blush. When I looked again I saw the city light from where we were standing. His hand disaperred from mine and when I turned around..... he wasn't there anymore.

My heart began to beat. 'what is this feeling'I thought to myself.

I woke up to the sound of a scream, I took my clothes on and ran downstairs. My mother was standing there with a broken glass in her hand. i sighed and walked over to the couch.

I laid down and took my phone from my pocket.
"Hey sweety, you need to get ready for your new school" my mother said and I growned.
"Why did we have to move from (your/birth town)" I asked and walked upstairs and got my stuff and walked down again.

"Because we didn't belong there" she said and laid 3 pancakes on my plate.
I stuffed it in my mouth and walked over to the couch and took my phone. My mother took her keys and walked out to the car. I followed and got in. When we arvirred, I got out and walked with my mother up to the school.

My mother said that I should wait outside so I did. She walked in and I stood there and looked around and when I didn't look, a guy slapped me on my ass and laughed.

"What about inviting me out first, you asshole!" I screamed and he walked back over to me.

"What if I did?" he said and took on my ass again, "can you feel it" he asked.

I kicked him in his (privat place) " I don't know, could you feel that!?" I asked and looked at him. "Creep"

I saw three guys stand behind him laughing.
"Do you want something too?" I asked and one of them took a step back.

"I'm sorry for my friends behavior, but aren't you the new girl?" one of them asked. I nodded and looked at them.

"oh cool. my name is Scott McCall and this is Stiles Stillinski-" he said pointed at the guy standing beside him, laughing his ass off. " and this is Isaac-" he said and pointed at a guy with a perfect smile. . "and the one you kicked is Jackson and yeah.... he deserved that" he said laughing.

I just nodded and walked past them and over to my mother. She gave me a paper with my lockers number and code and my classes. She then walked over to the car and droved away. I stod there and looked around until I heard the bell ring and I walked in. It took me about 25 min, just to find the class.....

When I finally got there the teacher said that I should sit beside Scott McCall, so I did. It was really awkward in the start, but it turned out well. After the first 4 hours we were sitting at a table at lunch.

"so, eehhh (y/n). Do you know anything about a guy named derek?" Scott asked and looked at me.

"no why?" I asked and looked at Scott.

"you just smell like him"

"wait!?. are you a-" I was cut off by the sound of a howl.

I thought about it in a second and I ran outside to see derek stand there. I ran over to him and he took my hand and said that I should go over to his car. I looked at him and he got in and so did I. I saw mccall stand there and he ran over to the car.

"what is happining, derek!?" he yelled and derek rolled up the window and drove.

"what are you doing!? and why did I have to go with you!?" I yelled at him.

"You remember the wolf that attacked you yesterday, right"he said and I nodded. " well his after you... and Scott is on his way to my house with some of his friends.. just so you know"

"Ju-just so I know!? What the heck!" I yelled.

"Take it easy. Nothing is going to happen"

"No nothing is going to happen... I was just eating with Scott and some others when I suddenly hear a howl. I go out to see what it was, but you stood there telling me to get in the car, so yea you have literally kidnapped me!"

He opened his mouth, but closed it again.
Why does she have to say it like that.

'Ho-how could he say that.... his mouth wasn't even opened!?' I thought and looked away.

Why did Peter choice her!?


He just stopped the car and looked at me.

"Could you hear that!?" He asked and looked me in the eyes.
I quietly nodded and looked at his.

"How can you read my mind!?" He said and took his phone.
I looked ar him and saw that he was waiting for Scott to answer.

"Hey what's up Derek"

"She can read my mind.... You said she was human!"

I looked at Derek and saw him began to sweat a little.

" WAIT WHAT!?.. GET HER OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" Scott yelled and Derek started the car.

Hey guys I hope you like big bad wolf until now.
In the next chapter your going to find out what she is and how she does it..
Aaaannnnddd maybe there is some romance ^^

Big Bad Wolf (Derek Hale X Reader!~)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum