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05. | chapter five

❝the hunt for mutants

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the hunt for mutants.


Erik, Charles and Lydia began their quest to find more mutants to join the program the following day. The first one, a female, worked at a strip club. So, naturally, Lydia was forced to stay outside. The woman complied quickly after watching Erik telekinetically raise a metallic bucket with a bottle of champagne inside of it over towards
Charles. Angel she was quick to open up about her wings.

Next, the three of them caught a taxi with one of the mutants as the driver. Lydia sat in the middle of Erik and Charles in the back seat.

"Where to?" The mutant asked.

"Richmond, Virginia, please," Lydia said.

"Right, so, you want the airport? The station? What?" He asked.

"No, we were rather hoping you would take us all the way," Charles smiled.

He gave them a look. "That's a six-hour drive."

"That will give us plenty of time to talk," Erik used his ability to turn the time metre on and the man looked at them again.

"Thank you," Lydia smiled.


The trio walked through solitary confinement in a government prison in search of another mutant. They were escorted by a couple of guards with guns and the man with a key to the mutants cell.

"What does the government want with a guy like Alex Summers?" One of the guards asked. "I hope you're not planning on putting him with others."

Lydia shook her head with a mischievous grin. "We wouldn't want that, would we?"

"He's the first guy I've ever met who actually prefers solitary confinement." The guard opened up the cell and Alex Summers looked up from his spot on his bed.

Lydia began to walk up to him when he backed himself up against the wall. "No! I don't want to hurt you! Stay away!" He quickly spoke, hands held up in front of him so she couldn't come any closer.

"Relax," Lydia held her hands out in front of her. "You won't hurt me or anyone ever again."

Alex froze as Lydia got closer to him. She then smiled as she placed her hands on his head and let her magic run through her fingers and into his mind. Lydia showed him that he wasn't alone, that there were others like him. She showed him that they could help him if he came with them, that they'll help him to control his abilities so that he wouldn't hurt anyone ever again.

As the magic stopped, Lydia pulled her hands away from his head. Alex looked up at Lydia with wide eyes before grabbing onto her hands.

"Show me again!" Lydia giggled before placing her hands upon his head again.


They met up at an aquarium to meet another mutant. Erik, Charles and Lydia stood in the shadows as they watched him converse with a girl his age. When the girl turned around and walked away, the mutant put his face against the glass and did something to cause a ripple effect in the water that made all of the fish swim away.

"These fish?" He asked the girl.

She turned around and gave him a weird look before walking away. The trio walked up to the man and stood beside him.

"Nice abilities," Lydia said. "It would be a shame if there was no one like you in the world." He looked down at her and she flashed him a smile.


The three of them walked into a bar where a man sat on a stool. He put his cigar into his mouth and blew on it as they stopped and stood behind him.

"Excuse me, I'm Erik Lensherr," Erik greeted.

"Charles Xavier," Charles nodded.

"Lydia Xavier," Lydia smiled.

"Go fuck yourself," he responded.

Lydia frowned. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"No, because she's dead," he said.

Lydia pouted. "Well, okay then."


Erik, Charles and Lydia sat on the steps in front of the Abraham Lincoln statue in Washington D.C. Lydia's mind wandered to the amount of Mutants that were alive in the United States and how some of them didn't even know that they possessed incredible abilities.

"I keep thinking about the other mutants out there," Lydia told the men as they played chess.

Charles hummed in agreement. "All those minds that I touched."

Lydia nodded. "I could feel them too."

"Their isolation, their hopes, their ambitions," Charles said. "I tell you, we are at the start of something incredible. We can help them."

"Can we?" Erik asked. "Identification, that's how it starts. And ends with being rounded up, experimented on, eliminated."

Lydia shook her head. "It doesn't have to be like that if we show them that we can live calmly with them."

"We have common enemies. Shaw, the Russians. They need us," Charles spoke.

"For now."

Lydia shook her head. "Trust me, these mutants across America, across the World would rather live without being afraid to be themselves then to live in isolation because people like us didn't do something to stop the humans from being scared of us."

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