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28. | chapter twenty-eight

 | chapter twenty-eight

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Lydia Xavier sat in one of the spare classrooms downstairs of the mansion with a girl, trying to help her to control her abilities.

"Lydia, I don't know what to do anymore," Sophia Drake said as she fiddled with her hands. "I almost hurt my roommate the other day and I don't want to do that again."

"Sophia, it's okay," Lydia smiled lightly, grabbing onto the girls hands. "You will learn to control them. It will take time, but you will be able to do it."

Sophia sighed. "It just seems so hard."

"I know it does. Trust me, I've been in your position before," Lydia smiled. "Give it another go."

Sophia nodded and held her hand out above the pot of dirt. She concentrated on making it grow, but when it wouldn't, her face and hand began to tense up before she dropped it at her side.

"I can't do it. It's hopeless," Sophia huffed.

"When I learnt how to control my powers, I didn't do it by forcing myself to make it happen," she explained as she made a little ball of green magic roll around her fingers. "You have to use your heart instead of your head. That's the beauty in it."

"How do I use my heart?" Sophia asked.

"Okay, so hold your hand out above the pot again and close your eyes." Sophia did as instructed. "Now, think of your happiest memories and the joy they made you feel. Once you do so, feel the dirt beneath your fingers. Relax your shoulders and arm and focus on making something beautiful come out of the dirt."

Sophia took a few deep breaths as she wiggled her fingers above the dirt, her mind flashing with her happiest thoughts which were with her parents and in the garden outside of the mansion. Soon enough, a stem emerged, followed by a beautiful pink flower sprouting out. Lydia smiled both proudly and in amazement as Sophia opened up her eyes.

"It worked," she whispered under her breath before her eyes grew wide. "It worked!"

Lydia chuckled as she nodded her head. "I told you you would be able to do it! Now ooft—"

Sophia had attacked Lydia into a hug, knocking the air out of her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she squealed.

Lydia chuckled as she wrapped her arms around the almost taller girl. "You can do that and so much more when you put your heart into it and not your head." Lydia then suddenly froze when she noticed a familiar presence outside of the door and down the corridor. The grin on her face widened as she saw who it was. "Now why don't you go and show Jean what you did."

ENCHANTRESS ( peter maximoff ) o.h.Where stories live. Discover now