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32. | chapter thirty-two

 | chapter thirty-two

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goodbye Charles.


Hank, Charles, Raven, Alex, Moira and Lydia (with Avery holding her hand) proceeded to head down to cerebro where Charles was going to use the machine to find Erik's whereabouts.

As the doors slid open and the group walked in, Charles cleared his throat. "Moira, I'm going to have to ask you to keep this a secret."

"I don't even know what this is," Moira said as she glanced around the room in amazement.

"It's cerebro," Raven replied. "The new model."

"I based the colour on..." Hank glanced at Raven and then turned his head away. "It doesn't matter."

Lydia gave Alex another knowing smirk.

Avery tugged her mother's hand. "What does Cerebro do?" She asked.

Lydia let go of her hand and wrapped her arm around Avery's shoulders instead. "This is how mommy found you, sweetheart. It only works on telepaths; mutants who can read other people's minds. I found you using this and adopted you that very day."


Hank grabbed the cerebro helmet from the control panel and placed it upon Charles' head. The light lit up in an instant. The whole room began to change and Charles started to focus on trying to find Erik.

Little white people surrounded the room and Lydia watched as they talked and did the activities they were all currently doing. "Pretty..." Avery commented in awe.

"What are those?" Moira asked.

"Those are all of the humans in the world," Charles replied.

The room turned much darker and instead of little white people, they were red. "And these are all the mutants," Lydia said. "Charles is connected to each of their minds. This is how I found my daughter and at least half of the students in the school."

Moira looked around the room in awe. "The CIA would kill for this."

"I know they would," Charles said.

Charles closed his eyes and began to focus on only Erik, clearing his mind of anything else. He pictured what he looked like and his abilities. "Where are you, Erik?"

A figure in the distance caught Lydia's attention and Charles was brought to Erik. Both Charles and Lydia were suddenly hit with all of his emotions; Grief because the two people he cared most for in the world were ripped away from him, and anger for the people who did that to him. Lydia's eyes began to water and she rubbed Avery's shoulder to remind her that her daughter was still alive and with her. This was all just what Erik was going through and feeling. Erik felt Charles' presence in his head and turned away from a group of people.

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